Station Assult & iFleet conflict?

19 years 1 month ago #18534 by dendog220
Hi all,

I'm new to the game and the board, pls bear with me.

I've got both mods activated. However, unlike what's said in the "SA" readme, there stations DO NOT respawn 30 mins after destroyed, they just disapear from the starmap list finder. And although they do release some pods, those pods r just pathetic scrap metals.

What's going on here? can any one comfirm this for me pls? Also, does anyone know when iFleet V6 will be out?

The board seems pretty dead now, so I don't expect too much reply. However, I will thk u for any help in advance.


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19 years 1 month ago #13564 by Shane
Hi Dendog220. Welcome to the board.

I believe iFleet is in it's final form. The gentleman who worked on it (Mehrunes IIRC) disappeared from the boards a couple of years ago.

I've not had much experience with Station Assault, so I can neither confirm nor deny the respawn feature. :) The readme notes that the stations will be rebuilt after 30 minutes of in-space time. I can only consider that traveling back to base before the 30 minutes is up will stop the script from rebuilding the base? But I'm just guessing... I've little experience with this mod.

Perhaps someone who knows better will stop by. This board is far from dead. ;)

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19 years 1 month ago #13567 by andrewas
When I used SA, Hoffer's gap got blown up by accident during the prologue, and it was replaced later in the game. (It *wasnt* me. I just arrived, it blew up in front of me. Not my fault.) I didnt pay attention to exactly when it came back though.

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17 years 8 months ago #16120 by Szappy
Hi all,

I'm new too, but only to the board. I've beeen playing EOC some time ago, and decided to install it again. Also got some new mods, that I didn't have back then. Among these was the Station Assault.
I'm getting the same problem described above, namely, that the stations do not get rebuilt.
I'm also geting the following message every minute: "izSA: Incrementing RC. It is now 1"
I guess that this is a counter, that should reach 30 to rebuild the station. The problem is, that it never does. It always stays at 1.

I poked around a bit, and the code that should do this, is as follows:
schedule { every 60 : { dest2 = dest_count; atomic { for ( i = 0; i < dest2; ++i ) { current = iHabitat.Cast( List.GetNth( destroyed, i ) ); rc = Object.IntProperty( current, "zz_rebuild_count" ); rc = rc + 1; if ( rc > 29 && Sim.DistanceBetween( iMapEntity.SimForEntity( current ), iShip.FindPlayerShip() ) > 400km ) { iHUD.Print("izSA: Rebuilding Station"); debug Debug.PrintString("izStationAssault: Rebuilding Station.\n"); iMapEntity.SetDestroyed( iHabitat.Cast( current ), false ); //SendEmail("rebuild"); dest_count = dest_count - 1; } else { iHUD.Print( String.Join("izSA: Incrementing RC. It is now ", String.FromInt( rc ) ) ); Object.SetIntProperty( current, "zz_rebuild_count", rc ); List.AddTail( new_list, current ); } } destroyed = new_list; Global.SetInt("g_zz_sa_destroyed_stations_number", dest_count ); } } }

it seems that the "rc" does not get increased, or is overwritten in the next for cycle by the "Object.IntProperty( current, "zz_rebuild_count" )"
Would it be enough to just comment that line out? OTOH I don't even know how to compile .pog into a .pkg so even if I did that, I couldn't compile it.
I'm asking for any knowledgable modder to look over this code, and correct it please...


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17 years 8 months ago #16122 by GrandpaTrout
Hi Szappy. I would be happy to offer advice on how to fix the mod. We could use another person on the boards who can compile pog. And there are lots of little bugs in iFleet that you could work on as you find them.

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17 years 8 months ago #16123 by Szappy
Actually i was hoping for a more laid-back approach :p but it's OK by me. If you can teach me the basics, and the tools...

I guess I'll be needing this:
...and what else?
Since I'm only in the beginning, please don't tell me to read a n+1 page documentation.

Oh, and while I'm at it, I spotted a blatant error in the unleashed mod. The archive is called while the ini file inside is unleashed_main.ini. Since they are not named the same, the game skips the ini file, and so it skips the multimod init scripts too. All of the problems described here: are caused by this. I did not post there, since the thread is so old. Someone who has access to the dowloads should change the name of the mod ;)

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