Middle States 7.5 Release Bugs/Discussion

19 years 3 months ago #18470 by GrandpaTrout
Topic for reporting bugs from the closed beta release. We should have cleaned out all the crashing bugs and the wierd install issues with this version. We really want to hear about crashes of all kinds. And try hard to duplicate any crashes that you do find.

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19 years 3 months ago #13237 by personaobscura
Preliminary run- bought and sold pods OK
bought reputation OK
bought ship upgrades OK
wingmen load cargo, keep up and jump OK, no collisions, no need for F5 before jump
music, sounds seem to be working fine

Problems: approach command for wingmen does not work
once wingman docks to another ship, it will not respond to commands

One other note, not really a problem, just kind of annoying. When purchasing cargo, the item list returns to the first listing automatically, and you constantly have to scroll back down; in other words the list won't stay on the last item you ordered if it is below the line. If you select the last item on the list, it jumps back.

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19 years 3 months ago #13238 by personaobscura
Bought ship, upgraded reputation to top level with Azran and Emerald Navy. Went to Emerald Defense Station, docked, saved game, sold ship. Bought Patcom, confirmed purchase. Upon launch, only command section available, but money had been deducted for purchase. Tried it again, same deal. Upon reloading game from save, lost all reputation, back to neutral, couldn't buy ship without upgrading again. Anyone else find this?

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19 years 3 months ago #13239 by cambragol
I can confirm other problems with ship purchasing. Buying a patcom, after buying a corvette, will result in money being deducted, but no patcom being provided. I am stuck with the corvette. It also seems like if I buy a ship, without first selling one, I lose my current ship, without compensation. Finally, I was able to repeat Personobscura's observations to a degree. I sold my corvette, then exited the station with my command section. Then I bought a patcom. I was taken into the station, where I discovered I did not have a patcom at all, but was still stuck with the command section. Money had been deducted as well.
Purchasing a corvette does not seem to cause the same problem. I get the corvette.

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19 years 3 months ago #13240 by cambragol
I can also confirm the loss of reputation changes after saving. Mind you, this was a save via the esc key. Don't we have a UniGui save function? Or is that turned off at the moment? Or have I just forgotten the keybind...

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19 years 3 months ago #13241 by GrandpaTrout
Thanks for the reports. Glad most things seem to be working better.

The UniGUI save is possible when more than 1000km away from a station (deep space save). The PS code is handling the faction reputation. It should be exactly alike for both saves. My testing was with the deep space save. Clearly, they are not exactly alike. I will need to write a save function for relations. (Oh, I am looking forward to getting rid of that base, and all the wierd behavior it causes, once and for all in Traffic).

I will double check the player ship purchasing. Must be a corrupted entry in the INI file that controls the purchase. The money paid back for your old ship is small. The prices need to be balanced with the economy.

On the Docked Wingman issue: I have not tested this sequence yet. Have you tried ordering your wingman to undock? I don't think the autopilot will take commands while docked. (The player autopilot refuses until you undock from a station).

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