Absent and Tardy list

20 years 3 weeks ago #11612 by Shane
Replied by Shane on topic Absent and Tardy list
The trip back to the States is expensive... even more so when you're shipping everything you own. And the economy is not much better over here. Sadly, you'll find age discrimination over here as well.

I'd explore all other options before changing countries.

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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20 years 2 weeks ago #11617 by Roi Danton
Replied by Roi Danton on topic Absent and Tardy list
Though Munich is one the best cities for finding a job comparing to other cities (especially here in Eastern germany).

I don't know enough 'bout available jobs to can give you a really helpful hint but maybe this is interesting for you:
www.usf.de/jobboerse/jobboerse.shtml (site from and for german game developers and those who want to become)

~Buda5 Designer & Scripter

~Buda5 Designer & Scripter

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20 years 2 weeks ago #11621 by MajorTom
Replied by MajorTom on topic Absent and Tardy list
Thanks for the link Roi. I doubt seriously I'd have a chance in the game industry: First my age, then the fact that I'm just one of many applicants among all the other nationals.

As an American in Germany, the problem is: few, american companies are investing in Germany nowadays (practically none). Those who have invested here (I profited well from that phase earlier) are well established now with German management and a predominatly German mindset. So when I apply for a job my inter-cultural abilities are no longer needed. I'm practically in the same position as any other person looking for a job with the disadvantage that I'm a not a national and just as old as all the other nationals who are considered to be "too old" anyhow.

If I wish to profit from my core competence which is German-American Business relationships I'm going to have to go where the market is going. Lots of German firms are currently investing in the USA. I wouldn't re-locate blindly and ill-prepared, certainly not without a contract in my pocket.

I should have made the switch around 5 years ago but my responsibilities as a father wouldn't allow that. Now I'm having to considering it even though I think my daughter is too young to "abandon" her.
I guess it's almost impossible to ask for specific advice on that subject and I'll obviously have to make that decision myself. I was however interested in what you guys think might be the consequences of leaving a 14 year old child behind.

Obviously she has a US Passport too so there could be some advantages just as well. I can't take her with me because her mother is legaly responsible and most importantly, I don't have a woman in my life who could play the mother roll in the first place. It's simply not possible to persue an international career and be solely responsible for a child at the same time.

Iwar2 Multiplayer Fan Site

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20 years 2 weeks ago #11633 by Shane
Replied by Shane on topic Absent and Tardy list
If I may be so bold; :D

I've been researching (for some time now) how much expectation affects outcome (even in areas of random chance). And, just from a layman's perspective, I believe it has an enormous effect on the outcome.

Perhaps you'd be willing to put it to the test? Pick out a dream job (like what Roi mentioned), convince yourself totally that, beyond a shadow of a doubt the job is yours, and then go for it.

I've won some stunning victories using this strategy. I once beat out five college business management majors for a store management position... and I had just graduated high school and had no prior experience. (Of course, once I had the job I had no idea what I was doing... :D but I muddled through)

It's what we predecide that makes things happen.

Willing to give it a go? ;):D

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20 years 2 weeks ago #11641 by MajorTom
Replied by MajorTom on topic Absent and Tardy list

Originally posted by Shane

It's what we predecide that makes things happen.

Willing to give it a go? ;):D

Yep! I've decided to go for a job with a German owned company located in the South East of the USA. I'll travel back and forth to Germany 3 or four times a year and find a good woman somewheres along the way. In 3 years my daughter will start her last year of High School as a student in the USA and she'll be driving a BMW Z5 thats on my company expense account.

Iwar2 Multiplayer Fan Site

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20 years 1 week ago #11668 by Hot4Darmat
Replied by Hot4Darmat on topic Absent and Tardy list
I just saw this thread now (I've been out of the loop). MT, I had no idea things were so rough for you right now. I'm very sorry to learn this, and I'd like to chime in with Shane's offer for help. It's a very difficult position to be in, finding it hard to work where you are, but tied to that place because of parental responsibilities. I for one, would advocate staying there for a while longer, for the sake of your daughter, as tough as that seems. Someday (if she doesn't already) she'll appreciate it, and see that sacrifice for what it is. She's 14, which seems pretty mature, but my guess is she's probably not quite ready for that kind of a shift yet. Oh, yes, people manage, and cope, and kids are incredibly resilient, especially if the relationship and communication is good to begin with. But I'd be cautious about that kind of distance at this point. Have you had this conversation with her? What does she think about the possibility of you moving away? How hard would it be for you, personally? Pretty tough, I'll wager. Balance all that stuff against the toll that being unemployed is taking on you. This is a cost benefit analysis, where your personal and material needs must be seriously weighed against the family ties and your emotional needs there. Maybe hanging on for a few more years until she's ready to be out and on her own is best, maybe the best thing you can do is get the career back on track somewhere else. Not knowing enough about the details makes it hard to offer any suggestions, but in the absence of that important info. I'll come down on the side of the impact this might have on your daughter, and say "wait".

It's easy to offer help over the internet, but what you need is something concrete. I worked closely with you on a couple of projects for Epic (as closely as the internet can allow), and can easily say that you are excellent to work with. I'll be happy to say that in more formal terms in a letter of reference for you, just tell me where to send it. I'll call any prospective employers and sing your praises (in English or French, unfortunately, not German). If you decide to leave Germany for greener financial pastures (it sounds pretty rough there, employment-wise), I'll even scan the local Canadian job market for postings...send me a copy of your CV and I'll distribute it. (Thankfully the whole free trade thing with the US makes working visas less of a hassle to obtain).

Drop me a line and advise me on how I can help best.


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