Where i can find much Megafreighters?

21 years 8 months ago #17783 by mocbo
I on a big Pirating Service and i searching L points ort Destinations with most Megafreighter Traffic.
Where are the Megafreigters nearly full Loaded??
mostly the Freigters carrys up to 6 Pods somtimes 10, but i hav´nt
seen a nearly full Loaded Freighter anywhere in the Game.

I´ve benn nearly finished with the Game( only 4 missions to go)
and no full loaded Megafreigters?.
Are the really existing?

Can anyone give me Tips and Help of that, wherethe most Traffic of Megafreighters is and is a full Load in the Game existing ?



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21 years 8 months ago #6341 by Shane
I've never seen a fully loaded megafreighter.

Perhaps they do not exist in the game. Maybe the designers decided we just don't need that much raw sewage... ;):D

No confusion; just wrong or right ... Only Solutions

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21 years 8 months ago #6351 by They_HunGer
The Njord l-point is good

~C.C. Rocks~

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21 years 8 months ago #6355 by EricMan64
I've never seen a fully loaded one either. I guess the developers realized that a fully loaded megafreighter would carry enough of some item to keep the entire badlands supplied with it for weeks.[:0]

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21 years 8 months ago #6356 by mocbo
the Njord l Point have no significant Megafreighter Traffic.
The Traffic of medium Freigters is good.
I´ve testet it aktually.

I like Megafreigter Traffic.

When i longer wait on a L point, the Traffic slows down and after a few Time then comes only tankers or SNRVs no other Vessels are jumpimg or coming out or in Sight.

What is the Reason of that?.


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21 years 8 months ago #6357 by mocbo
At the George L point in Santa Romera i encountered a 12 Pod loaded MAAS
Megafreighter actaully


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