What do you DISLIKE about I-War2?

9 years 11 months ago #19375 by IronDuke
Everyone has a little peeve about the game. Mine is the ridiculously simple damage model. Hit points, and a system damage model that basically inflicts damage based on how close the system is to the impact point.
Alternatively, if you can't think of something annoying with the game, (congrats on that!) then tell us what you WOULDN'T like to have in an I-War3.
When you're done, have a go at a punching bag. :P


P.S. Momentous occasion--this may be the shortest post I've ever made! :woohoo:

Very little about the game is not known to me. Any questions you got, throw them at me. :)

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9 years 11 months ago #19376 by schmatzler
Mmmmh let me see...

I dislike that the story just stalls after Act Zero and that you have to loot for hours to get things moving again. This is one of the reasons why I quit the game a few years back.

I'm glad that I started it up again and got past this point, but it wasn't that much fun for me.

I also dislike that the game mechanics are a bit whacky sometimes - you've just completed a super-hard mission and one of the NPC's crashes into you? Or one of them gets angry at you for no reason and shoots you down. It doesn't happen very often, granted.

And the one thing that is really, really bad: Flying for 10 minutes to a checkpoint where you die. Again. And again. You can skip to your homebase, but you have to fly to missions every...frakkin'...time.

Space. The final frontier.

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9 years 11 months ago #19379 by Lux_Tenebreque
The world building, in a way. Or more specifically that so much was left on the cutting table. Every once in a while you still see hints of stuff that should have been in...plus that big extra cluster you can't explore w/o breaking suspension of disbelief (or going against the request not to antagonize the natives :))

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9 years 10 months ago #19394 by 7upMan
I agree with both of the above statements. What I liked about I-War 1 was the stringent storytelling with the branching storyline. That is stil something to search for in today's computer game world. The only other notable game that does it is The Witcher 2.

Lux, what extra cluster do you mean? No need for spoilers, but as long as the game doesn't break, I'd rather like to give it a visit.

What I most dislike about I-War 2 is that it stops half-way from being an X-style game. I mean, you can pirate, loot, take on assignments and all that, and you can trade a little bit, but it's all half-baked IMHO. If I'd be able to dock (and save) on different stations the game would have been much easier. Also, if I'd be able to actually trade instead of just selling my loot the game would be more interesting.

You know, most of what would expand the game by a lot is already there, but it feels to me as if the player is on the one hand given free rein, while on the other hand forcing him with an iron fist on a specific path (that of piracy).

Also, the reputation system is lacking. You can attack virtually all ships out there without any kind of retribution, not only specifically Maas ships. Does that make sense? Also, does it make sense that an Indie's son would attack and loot other indies' ships? See what I mean?

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9 years 10 months ago #19408 by Chessking
I dislike the bugs and lack of information in the game. The developers did a great job building the game, but left out some information that is necessary to complete the game. The best example is in the mission "Lucrecia's Horde". They never said to check the e-mail! I have had to refer to the "Acts" section of the "Docs" tab numerous times. The other thing I don't like is the backgrounds. They are pretty, but it seems rather coincidental that they all have color themed nebulas. More black backgrounds like the Dead Reaches in Torn Stars would be nice. Perhaps there is one in the Gagarin cluster, but I haven't been there yet.

This is one tough navy, boy. They don't give you time off, even for being dead. -Clay

Storm Petrel

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9 years 10 months ago #19417 by 7upMan
Is the Gagarin cluster the "secret cluster"?

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