Time/Space Distortions in Dagda??

22 years 2 months ago #17453 by Coyote21
It’s probably my computer (No one else seems to have mentioned this problem) but I can’t explore Dagda. Every time I jump in (Backdoor) and try to fly anywhere I can get about 500k from a base and my internal camera goes sideways (I.E points out the side of my ship) and everything slows down considerable. Page file usage also goes through the roof. I’m running on XP but haven’t experienced any other problems with game play.

PS No hurry on this problem I actually don’t have any business being in Dagda just wanted to have a look around.

Ohh and one other thing. I’ve seen it mentioned several times about the relationship between cargo values and the size of a ships escort. Two things about this confuse me.One, what purpose does the “Value� represent? Many items of high “Value� (E.G. Gold 7000) Can only be recycled for a low amount. Is this purely for scoring? And two, I can’t find any relationship between escort size/strength and cargo value. To give some examples at each extreme I’ve found a solitary freighter with 14600 worth of cargo NO ESCORT and an SnRV with only two pods of dirty ice being escorted by 3 tugs and 2 interceptors. (I’m only at ACT 2 so this is an impressive escort to me). These aren’t isolated instances, they only represent the extremes I’ve encountered, Many times I’ve taken on a Mega-freighter with it’s standard six ship escort (Always six no matter what it’s carrying) and ended up with nothing but SH….. Ummm Raw sewage.

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