Missles firing themselves/LDS engaging by itself

21 years 8 months ago #17687 by Phil5000
Hi there. I don't know if this is a game issue or a technical issue so I'll post it here for now.
The weird thing is every few minutes my ship will fire a blast from the guns and launch a missle all by itself. I'm not even touching the controls. Also, twice while I've been docking at Charlsworth station I suddenly find myself in LDS on my way to Lucrecia's base, again with not a finger on the controls.
Is this a thing with the game like a ship malfunction, or something about my keyboard and stick although it's never happened in any other game?
I'd appreciate any help.

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21 years 8 months ago #4783 by Shane
Your ship has become posessed by a restless spirit. You shoud find a reasonibly-priced exorcist at once... :D

Seriously, there is probably something creating inputs and the game is responding to them. Check your joystick properties to make sure it is creating the right inputs (i.e, make sure when you push the stick forward it's not applying a F8 keypress or something).

Just in case it is a game issue, make sure you've patched the game to version 14.6. The patch can be found on this site's home page under fixes.

If that does not work, post back. I'm sure we can figure something out.

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21 years 8 months ago #4784 by NathanKell
ISTR every once in a while a similar thing would happen to me (auto-firing seekers), but it usually cleared up pretty fast or quitting out to the menu fixed it.

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.
Thomas Jefferson, Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.
Thomas Jefferson, Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

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21 years 8 months ago #4787 by Phil5000
Hi. It's version 14.6, and I have a Blackhawk digital stick. I've checked the properties and it seems to be working fine, and I can't find anything that would suggest it's making input commands as you suggest, plus it happens when I'm not even touching the stick or any controls. It does the same thing every time, fires one round of the guns then switches to missles and fires one missle all without me even touching the stick. But I do think it's the stick that's the problem as I played for a bit using the keyboard only option and it didn't do it.
The joystick has a program for remapping the buttons and I tried that but the game won't accept the remapped controls. Is there a mod or utility that will allow you to remap the controls within the game?
Hope you can help, and thanks.

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21 years 8 months ago #4788 by Shane
I've never used a Blackhawk joystick, so I don't know how much help I'll be here. If I go off in left field, just ignore.

Instead of trying to remap the game, try to remap the joystick. I use a MS Forcefeedback2, and the software allows me to set up button 1 as any keystroke, button 2, etc. Can this be done with the Blackhawk?

Another possiblilty is to check the Blackhawk website for Edge of Chaos joystick profiles. And any updates which may be causing this (although this is probably not the problem).

It would be good to find out just when the guns fire and missiles go off. Jump out in space and, sitting still, move the joystick around slowly to all points and see if the weapons start to fire on their own.

It could even be a force feedback issue (but I'm really grasping at straws now...).

What operating system are you running? Are there any programs operating in the background while you're playing EoC? Windows XP, if I remember correctly, has hotkeys which activate certain programs when pressed. I had this problem the first time I played. Could this be the cause?

If worst comes to worst, you can open the config.ini file and change the inputs. It's located in the 'configs' folder in your main Edge of Chaos directory. It lists the keybinds used in the game, and can be edited like this:

original lines:

Keyboard, L

If you want the manual LDS function to be assigned to the key 'B' instead of 'L', just change to:

Keyboard, B

It would be a good idea to keep a copy of the original file before making changes. Assigning more than one function to a key would be a bad thing.

I hope some of this helps.

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21 years 8 months ago #4798 by Phil5000
Thanks that's a huge help. It never occured to me to edit the config file to remap the keys, now I'm much happier with the controls and it's stopped the missles launching by themselves now only the cannon fires once in a while which I can live with.
It seems to be totally random, not when I execute a certain manoeuvre and sometimes when I'm not even touching the stick.
To ansewer your other question I have win 2000pro with service pack two and I'm not running anything in the background. The Blackhawks not a force feedback stick, it does have a remapping buttons program but I disabled them.
Thanks everyone for all your help, I think I can live with it now but it would be nice to figure out what it is that's causing it, but if not I'll manage.
Thanks again.

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