If you're stuck, with no missions, read this!

21 years 6 months ago #17717 by Shane
Act Two creates a little confusion; some missions can be done anytime, others wait for some requirement to be fulfilled. Sometimes, there is no prompting as to where the pilot is supposed to go.

In an effort to clear some of this confusion, I've put together some suggestions for the player to try when they get stuck.

First: Read through your emails... carefully! Many times a request is simply one line (i.e., "Cal, can you help?") within a two-page document, and is easily missed (especially when you get three, four, or even five emails at one time).

Second: Exit your base and, once in space, press the CTRL-O key to activate the objectives screen. This screen lists all objectives which have not been met. It does not list objectives for missions which have not been offered. So, if you see something there, try to complete it.

Third: Below is a list of the missions in Act Two, with a vauge description of how the mission starts. This gives the player a chance to see what missions he/she is missing, without giving the plot away. It's not a walkthrough. Remember, these missions occur at random times, so the order you get them will not necessarily be the same as are listed here.

Act II Missions:

Picking up the Pieces : Begins in the aftermath of the Destruction of Haven station. Clay starts this one by yelling at you ("Get your butt in gear! They need our help!" or something like that). Ain't he a friendly guy?:)

At the end of this mission, you should recieve an email from the League titled : We Need Your Assistance Yet Again, Cal. In this email, the League asks you to travel to other systems and find allies against the Marauders. Thus, it begins.

The Exile : Once you have read the e-mail about finding help in other systems, this mission will be triggered upon capsule jumping into the Coyote system. A group of independent vessels will approach and tell you about a person called Frederick Jackson at a place called Jackson's Yard around Penacook. Once you have spoken to Frederick Jackson, he will speak of an Ambassador near the planet Brotherhood in the Santa Romera System. Flying to this location will trigger the mission The Exile. Help that rich-and-powerful Ambassador out... will ya?;)

Upon completion of this mission, you should recieve the email "Thank You - Some Useful Information" from Ambassador Callow. In this email, you'll be directed to contact a person named Indigo at the Ritz.

SIDE NOTE: Later, at some random point in time, Clay will remark that Frederick Jackson's voice sounded familiar... someone he knew long ago. Sometime after that, Clay recognizes the voice; at that point, fly back to Jackson's Yard and see what the deal is.

Meet the Oman : Part of the mission to "find pilots for a strike force against the Marauders". If you've done this mission, you'll remember it. The infamous Trials of the Oman are done during this mission.

When you finish the Oman mission, you will recieve an email from Abdul Hadi titled "A Little About Ourselves". He will state the Oman cannot currently help against the Marauders.

High Noon : Part of the mission to "find pilots for a strike force against the Marauders". When you enter the Firefrost system for the first time, you'll be told to go to the Blue Note Social Club. There, you'll be given some more info on how to contact the leader of the Firefrost system.

The leader will ask you to help his forces hunt some Marauders. Agree to this... (come on... you know you want to :D). When all is said and done, go home.

Trouble at the Ranch : Part of the mission to "find pilots for a strike force against the Marauders". The Eureka system, controlled by the Third Way, is suffering from the Marauder menace, and unable to get food shipments out. You must enter the system, assist the selfish Third Way, and get the food moving again.

Sometime later, you'll recieve an email from the League (The Next Step in Relieving Mwari). It will state the need for pilots. You'll have to go back to the Oman, the Third Way, and Firefrost Administration and have them cough up the pilots. Don't take no for an answer.

The Indigo Incident (not a real mission name): When you first go to the Ritz, you'll find Indigo a little rude. No problem.... go home.

When you get home, you should find a contrite email from her named "Apology, And A Request For Help". She will ask your help getting a convoy of supplies to an MCA base in Mwari. Do this, and you'll become a friend of the MCA, and get a really cool reward.[8D]

Corporate Holdings : When you first enter the Dagda system, you'll encounter a really strange man named Jarvis who runs a garbage scow. Later on, Jarvis sends you the email message "Backdoor Into Mwari System". Follow the instructions in the message, and the Corporate Holdings mission will begin.

Bloodhound : You will recieve an email from MCA Command titled "Planning Counter-Marauder Actions". The MCA has set up a ship which should be able to detect where the Marauders are comming from. Fly to the Mwari system, and you'll get a waypoint for a rendezvous location.

Grassy Knoll: The Third Man will contact you with an email titled "Proposition". Follow his instructions, and you'll end up with a good reward.

Unification : Having assembled a large fleet of police, government, junkers, stepson, carva cartel and league ships, the Carla Stepson contacts you (via email: "We're All Gonna Kill Marauders"), and tells you how to get in on the action. Just follow her instructions.

Kong Fracture : The Amada formed by the League is in trouble... the Kong won't work with the police forces, and have decided to take matters into their own hands. You'll get an email from the Natashia Blake titled "Emergency Situation" which tells you what to do to save the day.

Once this is finished, you'll get an email from the Kong (Thank You For Your Intervention) which tells you that you're not all bad, and really a nice guy at heart. At this point you should feel warm and fuzzy...:p

Momma Wolf : This mission starts with an email from Elmo Stepson titled "Hoffer's Gap Defences". In it, he asks you to guard a convoy of medical supplies along with a wing of remote fighters. The reward for this mission is a remote fighter of your own (which you dock to at the end of the mission and carry home with you).

The special ship which appeared in this mission becomes a hint to the Marauder's base of operations. In the email "One Less Marauder Problem", from the League, it is mentioned that a search is underway to find the origins of the special ship in the Momma Wolf mission.

Later, an email will arrive (from Anon, titled "Information That Could Be Of Some Use To You") which shows some data on this special ship. Look carefully at the data to find clues as to where the Marauders come from. File it away for future use...;)

The Battle of Mwari : All the factions (Oman, Third Way, Firefrost) have pledged pilots. Now you must get them to the ships. You'll recieve an email from the League (titled Zero Hour) which will instruct you to escort the freighters carrying the pilots to the waiting ships. Follow the directives and you'll get a great reward.

Wolf's Lair: Epuipped with a hyperspace tracker, and being the universe's errand boy, you now have the ability to follow some Marauders and find their lair. Remember the information on the "special ship" from the Momma Wolf mission!

Hide and Seek : After locating where the Marauders come from, Natashia Blake sends an email titled "Covert Mission". They ask you to scout out a few places for them. You have to launch in the comsec to start this mission. Once you launch, it will take over.

Dante's Inferno : This mission starts after the Hide And Seek mission, and is the last mission in Act II. You'll know it when you see it. Good luck!

The above list is hardly complete... there are many sub-missions in Act II which do not affect the plot. I've tried to keep from giving away any surprises. If anyone sees anything I've missed, please let me know.

No confusion; just wrong or right ... Only Solutions

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21 years 6 months ago #5508 by EricMan64
The one thing I'd add is to make it very clear that each faction must be visited twice. Once for them to pledge support for your cause and a second time for them to pledge their pilots.

I nominate that this thread be made sticky. Do I hear a second?

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21 years 6 months ago #5521 by Shane
Mods! How could I have forgotten mods?

Mods interfere with the scripts for the single-player game. For this reason, it is recommended to play through the game once without mods.

If you stop getting missions for a long time, and have mods running, it is usually a conflict between the script and the mod.

To Take a Mod Off: Most mods are simple to turn off; simply shut them off at the Extras screen. However, some save information to the savegame file; if a savegame is loaded which is depending upon a mod being active, the game will crash to desktop.

If this happens, you'll have to do the following to remove the mod's influence upon the savegame:

1.) Start Eoc.
2.) Go to the Extras screen and turn off the mod.
3.) Close down EoC.
4.) Start EoC again, and the mod's influence should be gone.

When a mod to change a ship is used (i.e., replacing the comsec with a Danube Cruiser), you have to do it a little different:

1.) Start EoC and load up your savegame.
2.) Go to the Hanger, and select a ship which would normally appear in the unmodded game (i.e., in the above example the comsec is replaced by the cruiser... so we don't want this one being saved out. Select the tug as the active ship.)
3.) Save your game in a new slot. Give it a name you'll remember (like: "Back to original ships").
4.) Close down EoC.
5.) Start Eoc.
6.) Go to the Extras screen and turn off the mod.
7.) Close down EoC.
8.) Start EoC again, and load up your fixed savegame (i.e., the "Back to original ships" savegame. The mod's influence should be gone.

These steps work on most, but not all mods. The more intensive mods (like Elite) write a great deal of information into the savegame file, and sometimes cannot be switched back to a 'normal' game state. At these times you just have to start over or load up a savegame from a time before the mod was active. (NOTE: I use Elite only as an example of a 'global-change' mod... I don't think Elite interferes with scripts in the single player game in any way).

No confusion; just wrong or right ... Only Solutions

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21 years 6 months ago #5525 by Faradhi
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="3"><font color="purple">That said I second the sticky motion.
Shane it was probably the Destroyer mod v 2.0. ;)
</font id="purple">
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</font id="Comic Sans MS">

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