Lightwave scene file for geography explained

20 years 8 months ago #8713 by Second Chance
Awww, shucks[:I] Thanks guys. If anyone other than me finds this stuff useful then it's all worthwhile.

*edit* Does anyone have any comments on the clarity of this piece? Was it written in a way that was easy to follow? Did I assume too much knowledge on the part of the reader (this was meant for modders working on maps)? Please post any comments on how I could make this piece easier to understand. What would you like to have more information on?

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20 years 2 months ago #11352 by Second Chance
Big update to the star lens flare and light-type sections. Other minor grammar and spelling tweaks.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 2 months ago #11367 by Hot4Darmat
Hey SC,

Just so you don't lose steam on this visionary project of yours, I wanted to offer a little feedback. While I'm honoured to be included in Tarcoon's list of modders, I'm actually a coding idiot. I haven't coded anything since basic days and have only a rudimentary understanding of C. I just write stories, record voices and make stuff up for people (oh, and I've been making paper models of I-War ships for free distribution to this community: keep eyes peeled for their release on a new website by Stephen Robertson soon). I've tried a few of the pog tricks pointed out on these forums, but usually with little or no success. Most of my problem is a severe lack of time to devote to learning what is needed to take this stuff further (given my other priorities). But I do read all these posts and go through the code lines that are posted and try (at least I try) to build up my familiarity.

Having said that, I find your writing clear and very helpful. It isn't pitched too high or too low (though there are a few moments I feel like some of the terminology is aimed a little high, I can always figure it out). It is understandable to someone who is reasonably intelligent, but not an expert pogger. I'm one of those few who will read your ultimate modding guide with great interest, and will probably get more into modding this game once all the info I need is contained in one easy-to-reference source and made accessible through clear and clean writing. It's kind of cool to think that a game this old continues to offer fun modding and creative material to its fanbase. I am eagerly awaiting this guide of yours, so thanks for even attempting to write it, and soldier on!


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20 years 2 months ago #11370 by mdvalley
I have to disagree on the purpose of the SystemParent null. It has no relation to the map file. It determines the “camera� that flux uses to position the stars in the sky. Every lws file I have has the same entries for the positions of the background stars (saved a great deal of typing). One thing of note: in the SystemParent null, the Z value must be inverted (positive to negative, and vice versa) for everything to line up right. For example: the Epitaph entry in every lws file (except Epitaph.lws, of course) is:

LightName Epitaph
ShowLight 1 7
LightMotion (unnamed)
300 76 -400 180 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
EndBehavior 1
ParentObject 4
LightColor 191 191 255
LgtIntensity 1.000000
LightType 1
LensFlare 1
FlareIntensity 0.007960 << this value I changed from file to file.
FlareDissolve 0.000000
LensFlareFade 4
LensFlareOptions 7
FlareRingColor 80 20 10
FlareRingSize 0.220000
FlareStarFilter 2
ShadowType 1

But in Epitaph.lws, the SystemParent entry is:

AddNullObject SystemParent
ShowObject 8 7
ObjectMotion (unnamed)
300 76 400 0 0 180 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
EndBehavior 1
ShadowOptions 7

Note the difference in the Z position (-400 to 400). Yet Epitaph’s entry in the clusters.ini file gives its position as (-3,-4,0.76). Confused yet? I’m not sure why you have to do all that to make everything line up (I think it has something to do with that 180). But it works and that’s all that matters to me :)

If you’re wondering about that 76, I assigned every star in the Middle States a random value for the vertical position. Otherwise, all of the stars make a line in the sky that just looks bad.

Keep in mind that flux does not reduce the size of the flare based on distance. You will have to do that yourself.

One more thing, in the <star> entry: the color of the light is also the color of the flare around the star at a distance. Once you fly in close, the color transitions to what is indicated in the map file.

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20 years 2 months ago #11373 by Second Chance

One more thing, in the <star> entry: the color of the light is also the color of the flare around the star at a distance. Once you fly in close, the color transitions to what is indicated in the map file.

This is a very good observation. As, at a distance, the lens flare of the scene light could (if on and large enough) overpower the actual star representation from the map file. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll make a note of it in the above post.

As for the SystemParent null; are you saying that you think this null determines the player camera location? This sounds logical, and could very well be the case. I had assumed that the view rotated around the root null, since all the stars are parented to it. But when looking at the scenes again, I now see that the root null itself is parented to the SystemParent null (these two are co-located, with the SystemParent null inverted). So it's likely that you're right, the SystemParent null represents the player camera location, around which everything pivots, and the root null is an organization null used merely for convention. Again, nice observation. I'll make sure to update the notes.

Yet Epitaph’s entry in the clusters.ini file gives its position as (-3,-4,0.76).

The relationship between the star locations on the nav map and in the lws are non-existent, except for the general layout, since they use a different scale. In the nav map, the numbers are supposed to represent the actual locations, in the lws the stars are only a few kilometers apart, since they will only be super-imposed over the view of the player's current location in space.

Thanks for adding to the info. Very cool. [8D]
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 2 months ago #11377 by mdvalley
Granted, you don’t have to make a relation between the nav map and the lws files, but you should. The way my lws files are set up, if you point your ship at the Epitaph star, enter LDS, and open the starmap, you’ll see your ship icon head EXACTLY for the Epitaph system. If you don’t know what a particular star in the sky is, you could make a good guess by flying at it. That’s the beauty of it. Everything lines up perfectly.

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