Need help deciding which difficulty mod to use

19 years 8 months ago #18340 by stinkoman
Hey all, deciding to get back into i-war and am having some trouble deciding which mods to use.
I have found at least five different mods that affect the difficulty and gameplay in one form or another. Most of the faqs are somewhat scarce in describing what the mods all do. I waould appreciate any imput and advice on which mods to use.

Elite .4 - Sounds fun but the "this might well make the game impossible for you to beat" is kinda scary. And the sensors seem much different now though i havnt been able to find anything in the readme. The sensor changes seem to make a bigger difference than the upgrades to ships, at least for me

Unleashed .94 - The new pinguin pirate freighter sounds like fun and it sounds like there are numerous changes to the game but it warns that it can be incompatible with other mods. Especially those that change ship loadout.

Weapons Revamp V.1 - Some tweaks to weapons, but it says it was made for Elite 1.0 I cant find version 1.0 anywhere.

Dark Elite - There are maybe two lines of text in the readme and they are in german. Anyone use this mod?

Sensore Overhaul - Gets rid of the active sensors and gives you five levels of passive sensore that increase your heat signature the more they are turned on. Does elite already cover this?

Well those are the main choices i have in my mods folder. I have tried elite for about the first mission before finding the other mods. Now im unsure which to use. Any comments?

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19 years 8 months ago #12231 by Second Chance
Why not play them all? Each in turn. It's a new game every time! And then post your opinions on each.

I don't use any of those, so I can't give you my opinion on them. Sorry.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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19 years 8 months ago #12235 by andrewas
Elite .4 does not make the game impossible to beat - just damned difficult. Ok, it does seem impossible in places, but I've done it, and if I can do it, anyone can do it. In fact, having done it, I'm now of the opinion that hot4 didnt quite go far enough, especialy with the capital ships.

Unleashed - havent used. If your worried about compatability, just make sure you are not running it with anything else that changes ship loadout. And report to the author if you run into any incompatabilties that shouldn't happen.

Weapons Revamp - if theres a new version of elite, I haven't seen it. But I have seen mods listed as compatable with versions that havent been released yet. Give it a go.

Dark Elite. Never even heard of it. Google can translate the readme, if thats any help.

Sensor Overhaul. No, elite maintains the current setup - passive sensors are passive, active ones increase your signature. But with elite, passive sensors are less effective than before, and active ones increase your signature a *lot* more than they used to.

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19 years 8 months ago #12236 by stinkoman
Thanks for replying.

I checked the mod page more carefully and found another difficulty mod called experts 1.0 Im certain that is the mod weapons revamped was actually referring to.

Ill try what you all said and give them all a shot. Experts for my first game and then Elite when im better. Since elite already covers sensore ill probably just skip sensor overhaul.

I tried unleashed out very quickly and remember trying it out two years ago when i first beat the game. The pinguin is fun but i think i remember the mod, and the freighter in particular, being somewhat buggy.

Its a shame that almost all the authors have left the i-war community. Unleashed in particular could be excellent if it werent for the small bugs still in there.

Thanks for the responses all. Ill give em a shot and write what i think. If you know any other difficulty mods i might have missed or want to elaborate on the forementioned mods, go ahead and post.

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19 years 8 months ago #12269 by stinkoman
Well i decided to try out some of these mods and post my findings and observations on the forum because im obsessed with the game again, and im bored.

I settled with EXPERT v.1, Weps/System/Ammo tweaks, and the Firepower v.4 all at once thinking this would be easier than Elite.

The Weps/System/Ammo fixes some of the problems with ship hardware, which includes correcting passive 4 sensors to a more reasonable value, (70000 vs the default 20000) and it makes the secondary fusion ring/high yield fusion injector/anti matter pod actually add power to the ship. It also adjusts the ammo counts for some weps, such as gatling cannons, the meson cannon, and the missles. Gatling cannons now hold 2500 shells each and the sniper cannon sports 40 slugs instead of 20. My opinion is that the gatling cannon ammo might be a bit too high, and that 1000-1500 would be more reasonable. Early in the game, these weapons are far more powerful than anything else you can get your hands on, and i felt the 1000 ammo count helped to balance it out. All in all, a good mod and one which i will keep on permanently, with maybe a few adjustments to ammo.

Firepower.4 tweaks the player and ai sensors and makes them much less effective. It definetly makes the game more challenging to have to get withink 10 km, but it just seems a little unrealistic that i can spot the ships easily with the naked eye well before the sensors pick them up. It also tweaked the firepower of the capital ships to make them stronger, thought many other mods do the same.

Now for EXPERT v.1 I have actually tried elite before, and i thought this mod might be a good intermediate step between the default difficulty and elite. Well, with the exception of the sensors, i think EXPERT might be tougher than ELITE.

This mod took a brute force approach to making the game more difficult. I checked the sims/ship folder of elite and most of the loadouts werent as deadly as the ones i found in EXPERT. Most enemies including the corporate interceptors now carry autorepair 4s and deadshot missles. The autorepairs make early missles except distruptors almost pointless, since they can heal most of the damage inbetween hits.

The deadshots are easily the most frustrating addition; the tug had a hard time dodging missles even in default, and now almost all your enemies can shoot missles wich kill you in four hits or less and hit you 4/5 times. The deadshots accounted for most of my deaths while playing this mod.

Mauraders have heavy pbc's as their default weapon, and the entire navy as well as many other ships carry neutron pbc's. On the haven station aftermath mission, i won by sitting back and directed my neutron/heavy pbc wingmen to take out the mauraders, maybe firing a disruptor or two at large formations.

Finally, the readme states that he adjusted all ai ships to track two targets instead of the default one, which in my experience playing the game meant that only gatlings or massed wingmen fire could take down an enemy with reasonable success. And i watched the maurader destroyer on the mission where you defend the Blackeye L-point take a withering barrage of gun fire from the stepson destroyer and about 10 other ships and block virtually all of it. Cap ships have to be killed with cutting beams, or they must be disrupted.

If i learned one thing from this mod, its the importance of setting up the fight. 3-4 interceptors are a real challange in EXPERT with their high speeds, autorepair 4s and deadshots. Two or three can be taken down with a lighting quick strike from behind. When i got REM missles as a reward, i decided to give them a shot. They dont work too well against large targets like they did in I-war and unfortunetly they destroy normal cargo pods, but i found they are the perfect weapon against mega-freighter convoys. Corporations love to send out wings of interceptors with their convoys, and 6 are almost impossible to shoot down by hand before the rest start maneuvering and shooting their missles. One REM though has a big enough blast radius to kill all 6 if aimed right and it doesnt destroy the large pods. Using only REM missles and going after megas i actually had an easier time pirating than i did when first playing the game years ago. I realize most of you probably knew that, but it was fun finding a use for a weapon i thought was useless.

Well, im right at the mission where im about to get the patcom, and i think im going to disable EXPERT for now, and maybe try ELITE. I think elite makes the game more difficult by adjusting the sensors of the ship which means situational awareness is more important. Im not sure how to use the sensors and stealth systems though, and they seem to be important in ELITE. Will someone who has played through ELITE tell me how ship stealth works and how to use active sensors/signal masks/etc? Also, could you tell me what to expect from ELITE, and how it compares to what ive described from EXPERT?

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19 years 8 months ago #12275 by andrewas
Stealth works quite simply. You have an emission level. This is modified by distance. If your sensor blip is brighter than a threshold value depending on the sensors in use, you appear on the cantacts list. Otherwise, you dont. Once the combat starts, AI will spot you pretty reliably regardless of stealth.

It has more of an effect on you, since you are almost always the one to start the fight, not being able to scan effectively is a PITA. Learn to eyeball space for targets. More than once I found myself hunting for a lone interceptor that had run off and was sulking a couple dozen KMS away.

The other advantage of a low profile is that missiles are more likely to go for the ECM if you have a low emission. This makes the assault loadout downright weird, it skips sensor mask entirely. Oh, and sensor mask is off by default, you have to turn it on manualy.

Most other stealth equipment, just plug it in and note the fractional decrease in your emissions. You can get a patcom to have a zero emission level with a SM3 and other gear, if you dont push it by putting reactor upgrades on. Stealth heatsink should be left at home unless really needed.

Active sensors increase your emission level, and increase your sensor ID range. TBH, not worth it. Especialy if you want to evade missiles. Again, off by default, and I would leave em off unless I really need to find something.

Elite also bumps up enemy loadouts a bit, slows down your autorepair - you wont find your ship built anew in a few seconds anymore - and makes your subsystems take a lot more damage. You wont be beat down to 1% and still fight your way through anymore.

And, finaly, it tweaks the use of internal cargo space. You get more space, but more items, including the top end Heatsinks and shields, want a space. Loadout involves more tradeoffs now.

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