Naming conventions for new systems

18 years 11 months ago #14067 by Tarcoon
Yep it's me - on a short visit :)
Nice to see everybody is doing fine and "Epic" has made it. Kudos.

Naming new systems?
My onboard computer "Lilly T" would solve this problem for sure.
She would let me choose a name/theme for the new system, "Pocahontas" or "Schiwago" for example.


are the five stars in Pocahontas, Schiwago would show

Curgan Benito
Elak Xi

Planets would be Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo...
Moons could be 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5...

Now let me date someone at Pocahontas - Cubatty - Delta 4 and guard him to Schiwago - Dixxie - Tango 9

This nice rock orbiting Dixxie Tango 9 is S-4T9-A, S for Schiwago, Dixxie is the 4th star, T9 for Moon "Tango 9" and A is the first astroid. B could be the next one...

Guess you'll have to create x lists for x systems. Maybe your largest system owning 12 stars results in x lists with a dozen nice "locations".

There is no safe distance
banner - edit!

There is no safe distance

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18 years 11 months ago #14068 by Shane
I agree with Hot4Darmat's assessment. Something along the lines of "LV 426" is easier to remember than "HD337-M23-D" or "S-4T9-A".

Given the restrictions of Flux, it would be easier to simply apply a predetermined name to celestial objects and explain to the player why they cannot choose a name or theme. So many planets and objects must have been discovered by the period of EoC that names would be encountered over and over if left to the discretion of the explorer. Laws may have been put into effect which state that the person or persons who found the object are credited with the find, but the ship's computer (which would be loaded with the relevant government-created software) would automatically choose the name of the object.

Just my two cents...

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18 years 11 months ago #14069 by cambragol
Well, lots of good input.

Thanks everyone. My own view is very akin to Duncan\'s. One difference would be that the system would need to be able to name planets without really knowing what kind of planet they were. The system would need to be able to assign names based pretty much on size, and distance from the sun...maybe radiation or temperature as well. Just the first bits of info that could be gleaned from long range sensors upon emerging into the system. This info would then be quickly matched against known astronomical charts. Any given names for the system would then be overlayed on the auto-name generation system.
I also agree with Jon that all numeric or code names would make for some confusion. There needs to be a real name somewhere to prevent total confusion. So...I am thinking to combine a numeric nameing system with somekind of auto-name creation system. Meaning, a name is generated using phonetic bits and pieces of a language. A wholely new and nonsensical, though easily read and remembered name is added to the numeric coding to give the planet something identifiable by pilots/players.

So something like 3887 G-Alpha M-Yi Denstorata
The name Denstorata could even be generated as a by product of the 3887 G-Alpha M-Yi component. That way the names assigned to a new system would be exactly the same, regardless of who jumped into the system.
This way we have a plausible numerical system, combined with a secondary system that gives easily remembered names for the pilot/player.

Unless there are major objections, I am going to move forward with this idea. Thanks for all the input!

PS I am using Ebon - the Everchanging Book of Names to help with name generation. A fantastic program. Find it here if you are interested:

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18 years 11 months ago #14070 by cambragol
Okay, I realised that keeping the full designation for each moon/planet will result in totally unweildly names. So my plan is to drop all the prefixes, an just include numerical data specific to the moon/planet etc. plus the generated name. So instead of HD3887 GA MA Meleius, we get MA Meleius meaning \'Moon A\'...we no longer have information about what gasgiant the moon is in orbit around, but that should be clear enough, and becasue theoretically the Meleius name is generated from the full name of the Moon, the first moon in orbit around the second Gas giant in a system would have the prefix MA as well, but it would have a different, unique name.
I think this will work better...keeps the names shorter and readable. Does not included too much data about the planets, not unlike the moons and planets encountered in normals systems such as Emerald, Bedalov etc. None of those planets names provide any information regarding position, size, type etc.

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18 years 10 months ago #14294 by JT
Late reply, but why not just follow the FFE format?

A solar system is always named.
Each star is named with roman numerals appended to the solar system name.
A planet is named after the star it rotates around, with an appended alphabetical letter.
Every other celestial body is named after the object it rotates around, alternating between roman numerals and alphabetical letters.

E.g., Cassandra I-A-II is the second moon of planet Cassandra I-A, which is the first planet orbiting Cassandra I.


"The art of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss." --Douglas Adams


Surgeon-General's Warning: Early test cases of Torn Stars have resulted in fatalities. The errors in the software should be gone by now. Hopefully.

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18 years 10 months ago #14301 by cambragol
Not a bad method, and not too different from what I settled on. Unfortunately I already finished this part of the Unstable Space addon, so it's a little late to change things. We are moving along quite quickly actually.

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