Uspace Bugs version 11.3 (obsolete)

17 years 8 months ago #16218 by GrandpaTrout
Because something in the underlying code crashes. But only when a very odd statistically rare even happens. Like autopilots going around a planet. 99% of the time, they plot a course that works. 1% of the time, they crash.

We are seeing a crash that happens on approach to station. No clue why yet. I expect it has to do with placing so many sims so quickly. Without any good quality debugging tools, finding these issues is very hard.

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17 years 8 months ago #16220 by Shingen
ok so it's in the save or what?

I loaded that save at least 3 times and it CTD'd each time...(kinda like playing BC3K/BCM). It just stopped. No Windows error, no nothing..just desktop.

Then, it loads no problem, BC3K/BCM.

Am I missing something here?


"Just remember love is life, and hate is living death. Treat your life for what's it's worth and live for every breath" - Black Sabbath- National Acrobat

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17 years 8 months ago #16221 by GrandpaTrout
Complex computer systems are not deterministic. There are hundreds of interacting pieces. When all the wrong bits line up, they crash. That is what is happening here. Small changes in timing issues can have a huge impact on if something runs. Perhaps your machine was running a touch fast for those first 3 tries, and perhaps it was a touch slow for the last 3.

What I am going to do is automate a player arriving and leaving a station. So it happens every 15 seconds. What I hope will happen is we can get the bug to repeat. Then we should be able to add and remove things from the station until we find the cause of the crash.

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17 years 8 months ago #16222 by Shingen
No prob.. u wanted to know about my save problems with this alpha...remember?

I'll run a New Game with each build from now on.

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17 years 8 months ago #16223 by GrandpaTrout
Yeah, I am not complaining, I am just trying to explain why sometimes it crashes, and some times it does not. It would be best to use a new game. But send me that save if you still have it. I want to use it for testing.

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17 years 8 months ago #16224 by ataribaby

Just tried US 11.3 and saw something odd. Not sure, maybe i not understand it well or i missed something. When for exapmple i choose new game and then slect default staring position (first one on list) then i got nice equipment like Active Sensors etc. Problem is when i will dock with station (first one nearest to start pos - some shipyards) and enter station and try reconfigure loadout all that jujcy equipment is lost forever. No active sensors. missles lost, Passive sensors downgrade etc. It is bug or something known?
Also some idea - will be posible to add 24 hours to mission time counter after Rest day ? Can be escape pod be configurable? I not like it much. I want be dead when my ship is poo or maybe Command section will eject/separate instead that big mining capsule pretending to be life boat. It not fit into much - that small life craft and have LDS drive as main ship? I know ELITE have same life boat function :) but i think separating ComSec can be better and fits into setting more maybe? Just idea

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