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EoC Patch Ver F14.6 - 10 October EoC Patch Ver F14.6 - 10 October 2001 HOT

The latest patch for Edge of Chaos.

EOC GERMAN LANGUAGE: Some features from a future graphics upgrade for the game accidentally made it into the latest patch. This didn't cause any problems when the patch was tested, but it seems that on some user's setups it can cause problems.

To fix it simply delete the following folder from the game:

<install folder>resourceimagesplanets

This will disable the feature that's causing the problem.

Particle Systems apologises for the inconvenience this has caused.

TERRAFORM A PLANET. You may still have problems because, although you have upgraded to F14.6, this does not alter the save game file. And if you were playing this mission you may still have difficulties.

To solve this. Open your autosave game file (backup first), with a hex editor. WinVi is sufficient. Open the autosave.sav file and do a search for the name Somera in the save file, as you find each entry, change it to Romera i.e. change the S to R. Do this until there are no more references to Somera. Then save.

You should now be able to complete this mission.

Created Monday, 15 December 2014 03:59
Changed Wednesday, 17 December 2014 08:27
Size 6.01 MB
Downloads 6,122
(17 votes)
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