Category: Missions & Mods
Number of Subcategories: 1
buda_010Buda5 (Babylon5) Missions
Subcategories: 2
Files: 15

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will not be able to play the normal Independence War game once you install Buda 5 missions. We recommend you install a second copy of Independence War in a different location for Buda 5 (a second installation can be performed by running SETUP.EXE from the Independence War CD).

Downloads: 48
(1 vote)

This zip contains the four "hidden" or "lost" missions from the original European
Release. These missions are actually half-done missions that were abandoned halfway
trough development.

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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

No objective - just one almighty punch up.

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Even though the main COSA base was destroyed prior to the historic talks between the Commonwealth and the Independence movement, we suspect that several COSA leaders escaped and have subsequently been selling ships on the black market. [...]

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(2 votes)

Requirements: I-War One

This is Nanoprobes first mission! Well, it's not actually a properly scripted mission, anyway. He was just fiddling around with the scripting engine to see what he could do with it.

This is basically what you do: undock, go to waypoint, shoot any rock that moves. Of course, you don't have to, you can't fail this mission. But if you let all those rocks slam into the earth, I'd say you wouldn't have a conscience, would you?

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This mission takes place somewhere between "artifact" and the end of independence war. The crew of the Dreadnaught has been assigned to test the prototype of a new commonwealth patcom: the CNV-500X "Shadowhawk". Meanwhile in the Xi-Bootis system the survey ship Hawkins makes an amazing discovery...

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This mission takes place almost immediately after the Chaos Gate. After the destruction of the gate in Z 2 Reticuli the gate ceased to fuction but the commonwealth is hungry for it's secrets. In fact, so are others...

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This mission takes place after Chaos Legacy (Chaos Gate,part 2) The fleet has brough the artifact to a secret research station in the orbit of Jupiter's moon Ganymede. The commonwealth is preparing to take advantage of the artifact...

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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

This is the story around the brave crew of the civilian engineering tug "Grey Diamond" and their barely mentioned role in the Independence War...

File Size 68.64 KB
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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

You are the brand new captain of a damn old commercial tug (with a nice target painted on the top).

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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

A few days after "Civilian 1: Grey and Orange": You are sent on a journey through several systems...

File Size 9.02 KB
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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

A commercial ship in distress - an absolutely normal job for an engineer tug...right?

File Size 10.81 KB
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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

Escort a freighter through the Sol-System. Or try it... *g*

File Size 13.41 KB
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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

Simple: Spy out COSA!

File Size 23.1 KB
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Requirements: Defiance

A mystery.

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Requirements: Defiance

The COSA vessel 19703 spies on a new Navy ship...

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Requirements: Defiance

Escort the newest destroyer back home after a technical glitch. And don't get into trouble!

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Requirements: Defiance

President King hasn't paid for his ships- it's time to re-posess them! But this mission is more than just a REPO job.

File Size 804.81 KB
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Requirements: I-War One

This is another little crumb to snack on. Basically, it's a variation of the Instant Action mode.

You start off with a few ships, a wingman, and more missiles! And the waves of ships get progressively harder, instead of downright impossible on the third wave. Oh, and no two sides have the advantage (except that the Navy has you, you are GOOD, aren't you?).

File Size 4.23 KB
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(1 vote)

Single Mission for Particle Systems Ltd. I-War/Independence War

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Here is what to expect from this mission-

1) You first must combat many S-Fighters, about 14 of them. There are 8 Navy C-Fighters
2) After all the fighters are destroyed, 7 Indie Corvettes will jump in. Be careful! Missiles
and rear-guns are quite dangerous coming from these ships
3) A resupply carrier will jump in carrying 4 new fighters for you, in case you lost lots before
4) 4 Corvettes, and the UNO will now jump in. After either the Navy or Indies win, the mission ends.

File Size 4.61 KB
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well, these are my first i-war custom missions and it took me quite some time to finally finish them. mainly because i had to figure out how this whole thing works and i almost hadn't made the deadline for the competition for which i made this.

File Size 51.29 KB
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The first Independence War game inspired many talented people to create their own missions. This compilation puts together all the custom missions created during the Good Old Days ;) of I-War scripting. This is a tribute to everyone who have contributed to the great Independence War community. Click on the title to see the full list.

File Size 35.6 MB
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A more detailed description: This is my first Indie mission.

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This is my second Indie mission. It should be played after indie1: The Amazon. There is a plot (well, sort of...)

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This is my third Indie mission. It should be played after indie2:The Raid. There is a plot (well, sort of...)

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This is the fifth indie mission. (4th is not available, actually) You command the independent vessel To Hell With The Consequences. This is also my first attempt of a 'more free' mission that is not very scripted. You should be able to go around the system freely.

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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

In this mission you will fly an experimental Patcom developed by The Navy Weapons devision. Your mission is to test the vessel and investigate some EM readings from the neighbouring system.

This mission is quite short and is supposed to be concidered a chance to get used to the handling of the 'Spectre' and also to be aware of the plot.

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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

In this mission, you will be testing the newly developed 'Spectre' Blackship, with the high powered AM Drones. Travel to the Target system and destroy the Independent base, but be ready for the unexpected complications which occur. Be ready with those shields

This is quite a hard mission, but can be completed quite easily with the right timing. Timing is everything.

File Size 11.23 KB
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No Readme provided. Click on the title to see a mission template.

File Size 6.73 KB
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No Readme provided. Click on the title to see a mission template.

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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

Commanding a small Indie Fleet, you have to patrol a system to find a potential Indie Ship...

File Size 9.47 KB
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Click on the title to see more details.

File Size 17.56 KB
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A project of Admiral Brett, this script can be inserted in place of your old Stock.scr in /psg/resource/scripts/init. As a result, the I-War universe around you will be changed such as different ships released by Saltlake, new stations in some of the systems, and a few cool surprises in other star systems!

File Size 4.32 KB
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Comments: 2

Requirements: I-War One

A game you don't even get to play - but watch the sparks fly!

File Size 2.84 KB
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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Development Kit Alpha

The first mission in a series of four.In this mission, you will take part in a typical Indie raid on a naval STC. Clear the area of any navy vessels then protect the tugs as they 'Liberate' the cargo containers. Be quick and keep your wits about you, the navy is never that far away.

Be patient in this mission, but stay alert. The indies are a small force, so you'll be out numbered, but don't panic as you can be in and out before the navy are any the wiser.

Mission comes with custom textures and a crew guide.

File Size 41.08 KB
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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Development Kit Alpha

A typical Independent patrol - Under the cover of darkness. Free-Roam around the NDS-A system, and ask a lot of questions. You'll hear alot of talk about recent naval activities from the locals, check it out.

Be patient in this mission, but stay alert. The indies are a small force, so you'll be out numbered, but don't panic as you can be in and out before the navy are any the wiser.

Mission comes with custom textures and a crew guide.

File Size 17.98 KB
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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

(NOTE: This is nearly exactly like the Defiance mission 'Break and Enter'. This is purely coincidence as this mission was made first).

Your mission is to capture the first Independent Cruiser while it is relatively vunrable. Start with some stealth and a forged ID beacon, then locate the cruiser and call in the fleet. A large battle awaits.

The first mission in a series of four. In this mission, you will take part in a typical Indie raid on a naval STC. Clear the area of any navy vessels then protect the tugs as they 'Liberate' the cargo containers. Be quick and keep your wits about you, the navy is never that far away.

Quite a hard mission, so try to stay away from fighting until you have some backup.

Mission comes with custom textures and a crew guide.

File Size 17.95 KB
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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

After completing 'Phoenix 2 : Night Watch' then this will continue on that theme (but should be played last). You are to investigate the naval activity in the Indiches system where the Indie Cruiser 'Insuboardination' is stationed. You are equipt with a remotely guided Anti-matter missile (AM_REM) in order to forfil your final objective.

This is quite hard, but try to concider the multiple tasks at hand. The station is fairly stong and will withstand quite a beating, so go for the main objective.

Mission contains custom textures (sadly not for the cruiser) and a crew guide.

File Size 18.86 KB
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You must fly the Idecent Proposal (re-captured by the Commonwealth) to spy on the Indies.

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This mission is based on the Rebellion group story on the I-War message board. I recommend reading the story (admin note: We don't have it :( ) before playing, although it is not necessary. In this mission you fly the New Commonwealth corvette Saratoga and assist the renegade Admiral Steiner in his attempt to create a new world order.

File Size 12.15 KB
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Requirements: I-War One or I-War One DeLuxe

This mission came from my musings on how to use the TacNuke. Originaly this was supposed to happen during a resupply of a base in the asteroid field in the Barnards system, but it mutated (somehow) into the Ross Gateway and traffic inspection. I have taken a little liberty with the Gateway; I moved the Outpost back another 25km so it was easier to protect.

File Size 14.06 KB
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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

Didn't you always want to command a fighter squadron?

File Size 4.58 KB
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Requirements: I-War One DeLuxe and the Mission Devkit Alpha

You lead a small group of bounty hunters/pirates. Your job is to raid an Indie Supply Depot for the mysterious "Deever".

File Size 9.14 KB
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COSA are hosting a peace conference for the Navy and Indie hardliners, but the Alliance wants to stop this.

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A group whose goal is to be against any freedom at all, has split from the Indies and starts making trouble...

File Size 24.25 KB
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Thank you for downloading my very first successful mission! It is poorly scripted, as I am a rookie, but it all seems to work fine and there aren't any serious bugs, so it should work properly without any problems.

Directly after the jump from Earth space into the next system, you will be hit by something, but it will not be a fatal hit. The dialogue will explain it all.

File Size 10.54 KB
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(0 votes)

Requirements: I-War One Deluxe

A duel with the Starship Voyager.

File Size 4.33 KB
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zip47Voyager Duelnon-3Dfx HOT
(0 votes)

Requirements: I-War One Deluxe

A duel with the Starship Voyager.

File Size 4.45 KB
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