New model for the Maas Cutter

20 years 7 months ago #17963 by Griffon75
Hi everyone, i'm a old fan of the Iwar/EoC series, i played EoC many times and tried many mods, but a thing i always hated is the shape of the Maas Cutter, (and on second place, of the Carrier :D) so i decided to make a model with my idea of the cutter :)..

pictures of the model can be seen at:

(i'm sorry but my web space doesn't allow me to post them directly here)

As you can see, the basic concepts are all here (turret and moving engines) but i think this ship has a more aggressive look, as the cutter should be in my mind.. i designed it with a slight ispiration from some ships from Mobile Suit Gundam (especially the front and middle section) and from a flying APC i saw in the manga Appleseed (for the back section).

note that i intentionally put the turret on the upper side, cause i think that when turning to chase a target the ships naturally show the upper section and not the lower one..

The model is actualy about 750 polys, but at the end of the refinement it could be some more..

I hope to see your comments/ideas on it :)


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20 years 7 months ago #8998 by Second Chance
Hey, that is mighty cool! If you remove the turret you could put a real game turret there (something many people have always wanted for the cutter). I personally really like the current cutter design, except for the modeled in turret. I also don't like the moving engines, on any ship! Given the fact that the cutter engines are about the size of an office building I personally don't think they should flip around like Clint Eastwood's six-shooters. But that's just me. Anyway, very nice work on the design (it's always nice to see really original designs here). I'm very interested to see where you go with this. If you want, send me the pics of it's developement and I'll host them and send you back a link, so you can post them here directly.

What did you model it in? Are you planning on doing any textures for it? Have you done any other models? Keep us updated.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (coming 2004)

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20 years 7 months ago #9005 by Hot4Darmat
This is very nice indeed! I like the look, with the exception of one thing (and this is just my personal taste): The nose is too pointy. Unless it is going to be used like a knife to open up enemy ships, in which case its fine as is.

Overall, very cool!


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20 years 7 months ago #9006 by Griffon75
Thanks for your positive feedback [8D] !

I use 3ds max since many years now (actually since the first DOS versions), and the model was designed using max 4..

it's my intention to replace the turret with a true EoC turret (this is one of the istances that pushed me to remodel the cutter..) i think that texturing it and particularly setting up the scenes in LW will take some time..but i hope to let you see some progresses soon

Hot4Darmat you're right..the nose is very edgy..but being a cutter.. :D

P.S.- Second Chance I agree with you about rotating thrusters, it should be much more practical to have multiple thrusters to direct the plasma flow :) and, BTW, how can EoC ships brake as fast as they accelerate since they miss an equal thruster on the front [?]


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20 years 7 months ago #9008 by Second Chance

I use Max too, version 3.1. I do all my modeling with it. But now I've started learning Lightwave as well. It was a real pain in the beginning. Max and Lightwave are about as different as is physically possible. I'm starting to do surfaces in Lightwave now, which it turns out is really amazingly easy! I've also learned that as far as texturing goes; if you want your ship in EoC, don't bother texturing in Max. Bring your model into Lightwave and "surface" it there. Not only is it way easier to texture in Lightwave, but it'll come out right for EoC too. But it does take some getting used to. I've also discovered that in addition to LW 5 you can use LW 6.5 to get models into the game by exporting LW 5 objects and scenes.

btw - I like the pointy nose.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (coming 2004)

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20 years 7 months ago #9009 by Shane
Replied by Shane on topic New model for the Maas Cutter
Nice looking ship. Sleek. I like the engines.

But I would have to agree with Hot4Darmat; the nose needs some rounding off. Extreme knife-edge points are typically considered very "computer graphics-ish" (if that makes any sense;)).

If I have any polys left in my count at the end of a modeling stage, I usually bevel out some of the knife-edges to a more rounded appearance.

A great model... I look forward to flying it!

This community is getting a number of good modelers lately...

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--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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