Best upgrades

21 years 4 months ago #6269 by blackbeard
Replied by blackbeard on topic Best upgrades
Thanks to everybody who replied. I really appreciate the advice. You people have a truly fine community here.

Are your sensors faulty? It looks dangerous out there.

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21 years 4 months ago #6270 by blackbeard
Replied by blackbeard on topic Best upgrades
Thank you all. I REALLY appreciate the advice. You really have a fine "community" here.

Are your sensors faulty? It looks dangerous out there.

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21 years 4 months ago #6280 by KSpecter
Replied by KSpecter on topic Best upgrades
Hey good to see folks still playing the game! To add to what others have said:

SAVE THOSE DISRUPTORS!! You won't get to buy them for a bit and they are very handy for missions that you're having trouble with.

Concentrate your firepower: Having several of the same weapon loaded is usually better then having a bunch of different ones - the damage/second you can deal is much improved. Having a cutting beam is handy, but in the Tug it sacrifices 25%-35% of your dog fighting firepower (this is ok if you tent to hit-and-run). I tent to use 3 rapid-fire PBC for general mayhem and 3 gatlings for scripted missions (always keep that quad-light pbc in your light mount, just in case).

I personally don't like T-fighters on anything smaller than a corvette. I feel that you have to give up too much to mount them (remember you loose a gun mount AND a missile mount for every T-fighter). Try them yourself, though...

Fun with LDSi - I always keep some LDSi missiles on hand. The "I" key will fire one at your target auto-magically (no weapon switching required). LDSi missiles have several nice effects - they keep enemies from escaping, they stop ships dead in space (fun to do with megafreighters just emerging from l-points), and (best of all) they clear out all missiles from their blast radius. This last thing is great considering how hard it is to dodge missiles in the tug. If you've got a bunch of missiles incoming, fire an LDSi at ANYTHING nearby and they will all go *poof*.

Also - if you go to the engineering screen and reduce your shield power to a sliver, your tug will handle and fire a lot better. Shields aren’t very good at this stage, and it's always better to dodge incoming fire anyway. :)

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21 years 3 months ago #6370 by MonsieurX
Replied by MonsieurX on topic Best upgrades

Originally posted by Phatose

> quadlight pbc have tremendous firepower.

- True, but they become annoying when switching between your 4X linked-Rapid-Fire PBCs... It's a good idea to unmount it. Less switching around weapons makes you deadlier...

My PBC strategy is the following:
The more of one PBC you have the better... If you get the linked-fire module (yummee) even better. Im now running in space with quad neutron PBCs and just one gatling for emergency fire power... Timing a gun is of great value and impact!

Turret fighters,
- Load them with Quad, WideAngle, Rapid or Heavy PBCs... Forget Gatling. Once you got plans for smart missiles, load them with smart missiles. Otherwise, I'd rather run my own battles with more guns... Turrets are great when there's lots of ships. If you have a highly maneuvrable ship (the patcom is the best) forget them... More guns is better...

- I've taken down the biggest MAAS destroyers with 3X Gatling ship... Seeker mines are usefull too as they do lots of damage... They are great against Inter's or corvettes too. Manage them well and they will last... Since they do lots of indiscriminatory damage, aim for the propulsors...

Before I forget, targeting sub units like gatling or propulsion units on the ship is better and gives your imobile or unattacking ships to shoot at... It is trickier too manage though... Since propulsion units are not shielded (for obvious reasons) this is the best weakness of any ship + it makes them imobile...

Stealth programs and the like are useful! they will prevent lockups from missiles... With a patcom it's an easy game to make them miss using your lateral propulsion...

4X rapid fire is the best defence against anything that moves fast... It's easy to get, fits most ships... And it's darn damaging:p! One configuration can be better for your style which is 3X Rapid Fire+ 2 Gatling...

The more different types of guns you have, will allow you to cool down an overheating or unloaded gun (Gatlings will not overheat but WILL run out of shells).

The sniper PBC is not useful at all against fast moving targets...

Dont bother even installing Active Sensors (whatever they are called)...

The only thing better than EOC is a Z3 M Coupe with quad neutron PBCs! Great for caravan passing or people with high beams on...
Go wild at

The only thing better than EOC is a Z3 M Coupe with quad neutron PBCs! Great for caravan passing or people with high beams on...
Go wild at

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21 years 3 months ago #6377 by blackbeard
Replied by blackbeard on topic Best upgrades
Many thanks for the info. Are the miner cutting lasers worth anything? I see that I can trade for them. I've been having pretty good luck with one quad light PBC, one Gatling gun for backup (used very judiously) and fast firing PBC's in each T-fighter (along with Harrower missles). I traded for a Cryo PBC, but can't see any real difference. What about the heavy PBC? Is it worth the trade if/when it becomes available?

Are your sensors faulty? It looks dangerous out there.

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21 years 3 months ago #6385 by Shane
Replied by Shane on topic Best upgrades

What about the heavy PBC? Is it worth the trade if/when it becomes available?


My favorite weapon... :D

No confusion; just wrong or right ... Only Solutions

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