Donald.. Where's yer Troosers?

21 years 7 months ago #17705 by Badger
Hi All

I have to admit to you all that I strayed from the fold.

I have never really managed to get very far with EOC, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying every time I have loaded it up. But I've spent too much time saying "ooooh look at that" admiring the graphics and not enough time actually learning the interface and getting somewhere with the game.

Last time I installed it though, I decided to actually try to make some progress and I managed to get as far as a mission soon after discovering your Aunts base. Where a man called Dave Schwa has accidentally sold some dodgy goods to a gangster and he recruits you to steal them back, before his mistake is discovered. I was stuck though, because I could not find the bad guys in Budokan.

Then what happens?......My head was turned by the young temptress "Freelancer" and the opportunity to play the demo.

I've been watching work in progress reports on this title for a couple of years now and was completely sucked in by the hype. The games media touted it as Elite brought up to gate and I bought it hook line and sinker. Well, in fairness...don't we all want Elite brought up to date?

It's not though and my advice to anyone else who might be tempted, is don't bother. It looks nice to be sure and runs smoothly, it's great if you want a quick blast but it is more shallow than a bird bath. Don't be fooled by the hype. We're not going to see Elite brought up to date, until David Braben presents us with it.

So I return sheepishly to my EOC once more and back to my Schwa mission. I sat at Budokan and I waited for something obvious to present itself, but no one contacts me and I begin to wonder if the three outlaw ships that are flying around might just be the guys I have been looking for all along.

I scanned the cargo.. One crate of clothes. Could this be it? So I blew the escort away and stole the cargo. But when I got back there was nothing to tell me I'd done the right or wrong thing. I have subsequently realised that I can action a mission progress screen at any time, which tells me what parts of a mission are complete. (D'OH!) But it's too late now isn't it? I mean I'm on the next mission already, so how do I know?

Any advice much appreciated and this time I will be loyal to the cause and when "X2" comes along later this year, I'll not be straying. I'll not...... I'll not....... Er....... X2........oooooooh (Drools) <SLAP!> Stop That!


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21 years 7 months ago #5187 by Shane
Loyality to a game is rare... especially when something new is always comming up on the horizen.

I stayed with EoC because I've always wanted a game with physics, good graphics, and decent gameplay, and Eoc does the job well. Also, it's moddable, which extends it's life for years. It's fun just changing the game. I've begun to learn Lightwave, C++, POG, movie making, sound recording, and other neat skills just from modding EoC.

The mission you've been having trouble with is a sub-mission... it's not required to complete the game. Just a small diversion. I've played that mission three times, and twice something messed up and the trade was not completed... So it's not just you. My advice: just continue on. Any critical mission will cause the game to end if it is failed.

And if you need help with a mission (the goals are not always clear.. that's the price we pay to have a free-roam type of space sim), just ask here. Good Luck!

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21 years 7 months ago #5188 by Badger
Thanks Shane

But for what it's worth I did already complete the mission. I just have not had any confirmation yet whether the crate of clothes was in fact the right loot to blag.

Possibly there will be a thankyou note waiting in my inbox when I get back from the mission I'm now on. I just wondered if anyone might be able to confirm that I swiped the right stuff.

Speaking of the mission I'm now on.... who was? Oh I was..sorry. It's harder than the last one! "Gun Runner." mentioned numerous times accross this forum and generally dismissed as a sub mission, to be let go if it gives too much trouble. But I get the bit between my teeth you know? And this new mission? He tasks me.... he tasks me and I shall have him.


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21 years 7 months ago #5191 by Shane

He tasks me.... he tasks me and I shall have him.

"I'll chase him round the moons of Antaries..."

Good movie. :D

The clothes were the right stuff to swipe. Anytime you get a mission like that, the standard traffic is stopped, and you'll only find the ship you're after comming in to the station.

The Gun Runner mission is infamous. I've never gotten this mission, and hope to do it someday. It sounds like the odds are really stacked against the player on this one. I like that... :D

No confusion; just wrong or right ... Only Solutions

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21 years 7 months ago #5192 by EricMan64

Good movie.

What movie is it we're talking about here? I absolutely do not recognize it.

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21 years 7 months ago #5194 by Shane
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

No confusion; just wrong or right ... Only Solutions

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