Uspace Bugs version 11.02 (obsolete)

17 years 8 months ago #16114 by Shingen

I have a strong suspicion that your disappearing wingman are the result of the AI passing too close to a planet, or even a sun.

I dunno about this.. I keep a tight rein on my wingman and make sure they are all blue and formed up before LDSing anywhere. Also I very rarely use autopilot and I generally LDS waaay clear of cosmic bodies (in order to avoid my wingmen crashing into planets).

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17 years 8 months ago #16115 by cambragol
I will go through and try the kirby Lpoint bug again. If you are getting it like clockwork then it should be reproducible. Which is a good first step.

That is too bad about the wingman following you and disappearing. If it is not the errant AI, then it is something we haven't seen before. Or at least I haven't.

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17 years 8 months ago #16116 by GrandpaTrout
flux.log files are more useful for the Lpoint issue that save files. It seems that whatever is getting messed up, is not stored in the save. I will try to replicate the issue when I get home tonight.

I am trying to think of a good way to debug the lost wingman issue. What I could do is have the wingmen drop a waypoint when they die. Then you can fly back and see where they perished. That should help resolve how they died. And it will automatically record the location of the death. I can also write nearest 10 sims into the log file. Then we should know if they are bouncing off asteroids or what.

We know they are dying because Jaffs is giving the message. Other ways that my AI has killed me in the past was LDS ramp up into an asteroid. Before my ship went "ghostlike" it could still hit things, and did.

Another possible way for them to die is they collide with one another. This could be happening at "turns" when the ships must drop out of LDS to turn as you go around objects. Do you always lose them in pairs? If you loose one, check and see if any others are damaged. I might have to space them out more. They are kind of bunched up to pass through Lpoints, but our new code doesn't need that. It could just be the low lateral thruster values are making them prone to collision.

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17 years 8 months ago #16117 by GrandpaTrout
You guys could test the collision idea by flying distant circles around a planet with lots of wingmen (trader setup or pirate setup). And see if they get lost frequently.

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17 years 8 months ago #16118 by cambragol
I tried several times, but I haven't yet seen the Kirby no-lpoint bug.

I will try your suggestion for pinning down the disappearing wingmen tomorrow GrandpaTrout.

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17 years 8 months ago #16129 by Shingen

I tried several times, but I haven't yet seen the Kirby no-lpoint bug.

It's happened several times to me, but only when I select Kirby using the L-Point Scanner menu, after I've tried to access any other hidden (possible) L-Point (ie: hitting TAB within 30km of the green waypoint). Lori will say either "No Viable Jump Routes detected" or "No L-Point in range". It generally doesn't happen by using the StarMap or Nav list.

I know there's one "possible" L-point in Alcuin that's got an asteroid sitting on top of it so you can't get within 3km without hitting it.

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