The capital of the Terran Star Empire

20 years 2 months ago #11211 by Tarcoon
You are right with the roman/greek Luna/Selene stuff, I edited my post some seconds ago - some other things too:D

And concerning the second "Quote":

"The naming of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars or Venus, Titan, Europa, Io or other rather visual planets or moons happened some hundred years ago - I don't know if they keep on with this tradition whenever they detect a new celestial corpus in our system."

- rather visual = discovered (sorry for my english)

... these english girls do obviously know much about tradition;)

btw - who are "they" who want to rename the Moon? This body has already different names in different languages:
der Mond (german)
la lune (french)
on mjesec (croatian)
la luna (italian/spanish)
getsu or tsuki (japanese - on or kun)
for example.
I renamed it already to Sputnik - thats companion in english:D

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20 years 2 months ago #11212 by Second Chance
I assume renamed by the International Astronomical Union, the body in charge of naming celestial objects.

I renamed it already to Sputnik

Lol! :p
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 2 months ago #11213 by Tarcoon
"They" should ask a comic adept english girl and find something like "Goofy"?

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20 years 2 months ago #11215 by GrandpaTrout

Oh yeah, does anyone (GrandpaTrout?) know how to get planets to not have a cloud texture?

IIRC the first two texture coordinates are mixed to form planet textures. Did the clouds get included as the second texture?

I wonder if names of future colonies would really impact what the moon is called. Here in the US, as a prior colony, we have lots and lots of cities named things like "New York" or "New Hampshire" (Australia has similar "New South Wales"). So I expect there will be many "New Earth" and "New Moon" names. But as far as I know, nobody in York calls it "Old York" or considered changing the name to "Yorkopolis" or something else to seperate it from the new name.

Of course, not many cities are called "city". so perhaps that changes things a bit.

Does someone know how often it happened up to now? Funny thought.

Interesting question. A famous (but mentally elusive) astronomer once said that each planet like Earth has one chance to become space faring. Basically, the first try uses up all the easy to reach mineral and power reserves. Once those are gone, bronze age technology cannot reach the remaining reserves. So if a society passes the bronze age and falls back, it can never climb back up again.

You can see this in coal mines in England, that are so deep that they require high powered steam pumps to keep them dry of flooding. Without steam technology (at a minimum) you cannot reach the coal reserves that remain.

Same with oil in the US. The shallow stuff is gone. You have to deep drill. And that requires high tech metals, tools, techniques that no bronze or iron age civilization could muster.

So the basic principal seems true. But I don't know if it would totally preclude civilization from restarting.

It would make an interesting piece of science fiction. Because the Earth will be able to support life for billions of years. So if a race fell back, they could concievably be trapped at the stone age for billions of years. And thus be discovered by travellers from earth. Perhaps they would have fantastically complex philosophy, religion, music, history and language. But never able to develop past where the Egyptian and Roman Empires stopped.

(Sorry for this long off topic digression!)

Great planet Earth model Btw!


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20 years 2 months ago #11216 by Shane

Jwk: "With that reasoning we should call this planet 'homeworld'"

Second Chance: "Why not call it Terra, and call ourselves the posessive of Terra; or Terrans. Oh wait, we do."

You Earthanoids.... always arguing about the little stuff. :D

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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20 years 2 months ago #11218 by Second Chance
Your musings are always welcome in my threads, GrandpaTrout.

Now, about those clouds. First, what does IIRC mean anyway? I never learned this forum lingo. And second, by "the first two texture coordinates," I assume you mean the coordinates of the first two textures. Refering to the values for Texture Maps 1 and 2, and not the coordinates themselves. So no, the clouds did not get included as the second planet texture. In fact, it would be impossible unless you really screwed up the planets.ini file. Because specifying a rock texture means that the texture can only be taken from the list of keys that specify rocky_planet_textures. Of which there are normally eight, numbered 1 - 8. Using any number higher than 8 (or the number of rocky_planet_textures you have) will result in the texture not loading, not skipping down to the next set of keys that specify gassy_planet_textures and so on. So, it's physically impossible to load a cloud texture as any other type of texture unless it was deliberately put into the keyed list of rocky or gassy "planet textures."

In fact, I've documented the exact use each texture value in the Body section. And collected a mountain of new information about geography in general that I've been meaning to send you, just so you have it. If I send you a PDF today, could you look it over and tell me what info you have and what's new?

Anyway, the only two texture values that I can't seem to get to do anything, are the Cloud Texture Map integer and the Cloud Opacity integer. Yet, nothing else has any effect on the cloud maps. :(!

btw - I've documented what the Texture 1, 2 and 3 colors do. 2 and 3 were pretty sneaky because they only come into play under certain conditions. So they were hard to experiment on.

Interested in seeing my findings?
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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