The capital of the Terran Star Empire

19 years 5 months ago #12829 by AcesHigh

Originally posted by Second Chance

. . . actually, Earth, the Sun and Earth´s moon DO NOT have names.

Did you even read this thread!? In my third post I quoted directly from, and linked directly to, the International Astronomical Union, the official international body in charge of naming celestial objects.

What evidence do you present to support your opinion? What are your credentials for making such an outrageous claim? Are you a world renowned astronomer? If you are, great! But if not, you'd better make with the proof. I hate it when people just jump into a thread and declare; "Here are the absolute facts because I said so." Without even the slightest evidence to support their claim. Or the slightest explanation of how they arrived at their conclusion.

So you say these bodies have no names. Prove it. I'm more than willing to listen to your evidence. But please, at least provide some. Don't just jump in and make broad declarations of fact. And try reading the supporting evidence first, as well.

I don't mean to be rude, but this is exactly the kind of thing that makes my head explode.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos

Well, but you were rude, since in no moment I ever was rude with you guys in my post and in no moment I said anything like if I was the master expert in astronomy.
What I meant is that Earth has no SPECIFIC name. Like lets say TERRA. Earth name is its name according to the language! So both EARTH and TERRA and everything else in other languages is correct.

I read that from a scientific site about the universe, where there was a FAQ or something like it. If I am not mistaken, they also quoted the IAU

as for the site where I first saw the "earth moon and sun" has no names thing, I dont remember which one was, cuz I found it by accident, read everything cuz it was interesting (I think it was even a site against creationists) but never bookmarked it. Unless I remember what I was looking for when I found it, maybe I will never find it again.

But it stands... there are no specific names. Earth is how IAU calls our planet... IN ENGLISH. In other languages the name of our planet is that one. English is not THE CORRECT language. Is just the most used language internationally in our times. If Esperanto becomes the most used language one day, be sure IAU will suggest the name of Earth in Esperanto.

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19 years 5 months ago #12830 by AcesHigh
btw, the names of Earth, Sun and the Moon is much more a question of ETIMOLOGY and ASTRONOMY and IAU.

"It is emphasized, however, that language conventions are the responsibility of individual nations or groups of nations. While the IAU is willing to help to achieve a minimum degree of orthographic consistency as regards astronomical terms, it cannot undertake to do so for all languages, nor is it in the power of the IAU to enforce the application of any such conventions."

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19 years 5 months ago #12831 by AcesHigh
Table with names of Solar System planets, the Sun and the Moon in some 50 languages. very interesting what they mean in Chinese

I dont know if Second Change understood badly what I mean with "no name". What I mean is that there is no SPECIFIC name everybody must use. Like... if your name is John, you will be John in China, you will be John anywhere. The same does not happens with Earth, Sun and Moon. It IS correct to call it Earth. It is ALSO correct to call it Terra. It is also correct to call it by its french name. You should name it depending of the langugae being used. Thats all.

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19 years 5 months ago #12832 by Second Chance
Excellent! Nice work. That's exactly what I meant by supporting your argument. Your points about language specific names are well made and well taken. I can't wait to have a chance to read through the links you gave.

I'm sorry to have been rude, but declarations of fact with no info or explanation make me loopy. And my head has only recently grown back after exploding from a discussion with a guy called Vagamus in the atari forums.
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19 years 5 months ago #12835 by AcesHigh
One way or the other Second Chance, I would like next time you would discuss the WHOLE post, instead of just one sentence. I mean... you bashed me because of one sentence and it seems like you completely ignored everything else I wrote after that sentence, which imho, seems to follow the line of the "no SPECIFIC name" theory and would help you understand what I meant before.

But ok... I just want to say I dont come into this board to fight and I am waiting anxiously for the Star Wars mod.

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19 years 5 months ago #12846 by Second Chance
I didn't bash you. I simply questioned your position and demanded an explanation for an outrageous claim; in an argument that should have been settled in my third post. The rest of your post was not clear enough to me to support the point you were trying to introduce, so I misunderstood what you were trying to say.

All of your later supporting points and evidence should have been in your first post. Because the point you brought up was very interesting and quite an important contribution to the discussion. It also would have served to avoid all of this.

People need to learn to stop and consider what they have to say before posting, instead of just jumping on the keyboard and posting the first thing they can manage to pound out on the keys. I find that all to often people are so anxious to jump into a thread, that they just post the first thing that pops into their heads so that they can be a part of it. (This is not a reflection of you, AcesHigh, more of a general point.)

It takes me 30 minutes to make a post like this, reading and re-reading, so that I can make sure I'm saying what I need to say, and saying it correctly. I use the Preview Reply button like 15 times before I post.

And there will be no fighting. I will debate and argue with someone using logical questions and thought-out points, but if it degenerates into a fight and I no longer gain anything from the conversation, I will simply stop participating.

So I don't appologize for agressively questioning you, AcesHigh (I would expect the same from you guys if it was me), but I also give you high marks for coming back with a much more well thought out position, and evidence to support it. I give you even more credit for using my original source to prove it to me. You were 100% right and I learned something. Now don't be a baby about a little debating, you did very well. After only 19 posts you've earned some new respect. You should have seen the argument/debate MajorTom and I got into when I was a newbie here. But now were good friends.

Oh yeah, thanks, and I hope that the Star Wars mod will give you great pleasure. :)
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