Tie Interceptor finished and textured :)

20 years 7 months ago #9133 by MajorTom
If TIEs don't get any missiles we don't need a hardpoint or a null because the countermeasures launcher doesn't have an avatar anyhow . I can just chuck 'em out the upper dockport.

Since the MP game uses prefitted ships we don't need any real hardpoints just defined nulls to put weapons on

Actually countermeasures seem a bit of a waste for these little guys.
But! How about a short ranged point defense turret? Then we could set the range just short of the edge of the blast radius for the medium sized missiles. That would make the TIE bounce around a little from the concussion of the blast.
And.. to keep the pilot on his toes (so he doesn't just ignore missiles) he would have to manouver defensivly to stay out of range of the really big missiles. (you can tell which missile is after you in MP by the sound and trail color)
PDTs don't have an avatar either so we can just as easily stick one on the dockport too.

Good deal with the sound channel(s)! While you're at it you might as well put in the channels for the thruster animation too?

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20 years 7 months ago #9145 by MajorTom

Originally posted by Shane

Sniper cannon bolts are green.

Damn, that thing's small. I wonder why it translated into Multiplayer but Spiff would not? Obviously points to a problem with my model and not a 'single player to multiplayer' issue.

Shane, Thanks for the bolt color reminder, (I'm getting old)

I put some information, or better a guess, on Spiff over in the the original Spiff thread. I dunno, It's just a guess

@ all:
I've got a new mod folder started for Starwars. I dunno if it's a good idea to mix I-War and Starwars ships in the same universe. I'm thinking it might be better to have a separate MP mod for Star Wars ships only? Opinions?

@Second Chance:
Do you agree? If so we'll need around 4 different models (5 or 6 would be better) Whats your approx timetable/roadmap when you'll be able to model some more star wars ships?

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20 years 7 months ago #9155 by Second Chance
Yes, I do agree. I can do those 5 or 6 ships for you, but it'll take a little time. Sorry I didn't send you the new avatar and setup scenes for the Interceptor right away, I'm sending them now. I've added a fighter engine sound and a null called "crew". I've also properly repositioned the aux gun nulls under the hull. And I fixed a few texture glitches on the avatar but I haven't had a chance to look at them in game yet. I'll send you the new pso's as soon as I'm satisfied they look better.

I'm going to down to Arizona for the weekend of the 28th so I won't be able to start anything new until I come back. As for ships, I was planning on doing
  • A regular Tie Fighter
  • An X-Wing Fighter
  • A Y-Wing Fighter
  • Maybe a B-Wing
  • And finishing the YT-1300 (Millennium Falcon)
Are these good for you? If not, just let me know which ships you do want. I'd also like to finish the Star Destroyer. I think it would make a cool ship to fight around. I'm ready to hear opinions or requests.

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (coming 2004)

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20 years 7 months ago #9156 by MajorTom
The fixes on the Tie sound good!
The line up sounds good to me, though I would prefer a A-Wing up against the Ties (The Y-Wing seemed to me a little too slow).
I'm assumng the B-Wings would have a heavy bomber/torpedo boat roll?)

Doesn't matter if you need a while but the models are what makes the mod, I can't do all that much until they are avaliable. (one after the other of course)

Fighting around a very big ship may cause reduced frame rates but stations do too.
It would be cool to have a capital ship with a huge carrier like bay and 'invisible' dock ports inside it so you could park the ships there at the end of a mission or dock there for repairs. It might work with a big hollow collision hull with the nulls for the dockports just stuck out in the hollow area (sorta like the outside nulls on the corporate interceptor you fixed recently). Since the ships are fairly small the bay wouldn't have to be too large?

We have a little problem with the muzzle flash of the guns on the Tie. The players perspective is so close to the null that each shot blinds you and you don't see the bolts right. I'll try out different fire_positions, ect.
Does anyone know which of the light values in the bolt .lws is for the itenisity of the initial flash?

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20 years 7 months ago #9157 by Hot4Darmat
I'm very interested in this SW mod and am looking forward to it. I wish I had something better than dialup, but I'll have to wait another year it looks like. I'm a former huge SW fan, too (meaning I used to be a dedicated fan, not that I was huge then lost weight). I still have a deep affection for the old trilogy and all its tech, but the new movies have just kind of lost me...I guess I'm too old, or they got too dumbed down, or something, but I watched them and felt nothing (sigh).

I'll second the vote for an A wing. As cool-looking as the Y wing is, it has always seemed to me to be an underperformer...especially when the B wing comes on the scene. So if you have to prioritize these modelling projects due to limited time, put the A wing ahead of the Y wing on your list, imo.


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20 years 7 months ago #9159 by Second Chance
MajorTom, is the muzzle flash problem in the new setup scene as well? And are you talking about the main guns or the aux guns? Moving the fire positions would negate the careful positioning of the aux gun nulls to match their location on the texture (probably no one sees this anyway). I would rather move the pilot (camera) position up and back a little to get out of the flash, although reducing the size of the flash and the bolts is probably also a good idea.

My Star Destroyer model should easily be able to accomodate an entire squadron of fighters within it's docking bays. In fact, that was always a part of the design [8D]. I think it's a great MP idea to have the fighters launch from and then redock to the carrier ship for repairs, rearm, etc. And since many of these fighters should have no equivilent of an LDS or capsule drive, it serves as a great story hook for getting them around. As far as the frame rate goes, I've just recently discovered that when I import my models into Lightwave I end up with about 1/3 fewer polys than with Max (very efficient program :D). So the Star Destroyer shouldn't be too bad after all.

About the ship list; ok, ok everyone, message received loud and clear, the A-Wing it is. I'll replace the Y-Wing in the lineup with the A-Wing. I was trying to avoid the A-Wing because it looks hard to model. Conversely, the Y-Wing looked like a piece of cake. But if we're really serious about this then I don't mind putting in the effort to give you guys the right ships for the job. Maybe it'll even turn out to be easier than the Y-Wing :).

Coincidentally, I just saw a Nova program on the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter project. For a final demonstration the contract winning aircraft took off from the equivilent of a small UK style carrier deck, flew supersonic across the country and then landed vertically like a Harrier. A first in aircraft history. It was really cool, so I'm pretty inspired to make good fighters (I used to be in the aviation industry, so this is particularly neat to me :D).

(meaning I used to be a dedicated fan, not that I was huge then lost weight)

Lol :D, this kind of stuff cracks me up. Keep it coming.

I still have a deep affection for the old trilogy and all its tech, but the new movies have just kind of lost me...I guess I'm too old, or they got too dumbed down, or something, but I watched them and felt nothing (sigh).

Very well put. I thought I was the only person who felt like this. I was even just mentioning this to someone. Quentin Tarantino once said that a problem with movies today is that they have to be so "hip and detached" that you don't experience the full range of emotional interaction. I tend to agree.

Keep those ideas and requests coming.

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (coming 2004)

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