Tie Interceptor finished and textured :)

20 years 7 months ago #9166 by MajorTom
The standard Muzzle flash on the main guns is also blinding in the new setup but that isn't a problem anymore as I've found how to control the intensity. I won't be messing with the fire_position_translation now (it never worked right except on turrets anyhow), and you won't have to move any nulls.
The guns have a nice soft glow now.

Sound is working fine. I've got a sound half way simular to the original Tie on it now by shifting pitch and volume on one of the EOC sounds.

You'll have a mail when you get back from AZ (by monday) with a first shot at the config including green bolts (lasers)
I'm going to get out my old scratched up XWA CD to see if I can get any sounds (and some inspiration as well).

Yes! A story hook with the Star Destroyer was what I'm thinking about. I think switching ships in MP is possible as long as the first player ship stays in the game (i.e is docked in the bay). That might make for some interesting game play alternatives too

Glad to hear you're interested and supportive. I think the EOC engine with all the sim effects (inertia ect.) will be cool with Star Wars models.
I would love to see you online more but don't worry about the dial in for now. I'll fix up an interesting botmatch script with bots in Star Wars ships that you can run on a loopback.
Long range I'm going to try out a script for a coop mission and have bot support for those who can only play alone (or with just 2 players in a lan )

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20 years 7 months ago #9173 by MajorTom
Unfortunatly the sfx sounds in EOC are not very adaptable for different reasons (see other new thread on Sound moddeling)

Meanwhile here's a few screen shots of different bolt colors:

interceptor laser blue-green

interceptor laser, carribean version "Key West"

short blast laser anyone?

red-green laser

red-green laser on the Aux Gun

dodging the red-green Aux Gun of a Tie opponent

pic is no good but note the locked target and the bolt from my Aux Gun

As you see, the locked target in the hud shows the Collision hull of a targeted Tie very well (though a bit small because the model is so small itself).

The Flight model is in the final stages: It flys pretty much like it looks in the movies: High speed, fast turning with pitch acceleration set fairly low. If you want to change direction in the X-axis (up or down) it's better to roll 90 degrees and then turn. Or, speeking in terms of gravatational flight: It can't do a looping (airilons) worth a D**n, but it can turn sideways (rudder) on a dime and can spin (wing flaps) like a top.

It's going to be very interesting to see how the EOC MP-Engine will handle the small fast models in actual game play.
My impression is: It's going to run a lot better than it does currently with the large, slow models!

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20 years 6 months ago #9279 by Second Chance
Hey MajorTom, if we use a Star Destroyer as a carrier for the Imperial ships do you think I should try making a Mon Calamari cruiser for the Rebel side?

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 6 months ago #9282 by MajorTom
Sure, why not. I'd love to see it

We could make a team fortress / assault type game where one team attacks the others base (carrier) until it blows up.

Due to map syncronization issues in MP, we'll have to make the carriers immobile, but give them several guns each. The guns would be targetable and destructable

We can use the script for the station assualt game we already have in what_rocks and Epic Online. It'll take less than an hour or 2 to optimize the script.

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20 years 6 months ago #9286 by Second Chance

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 6 months ago #9305 by MajorTom
We now have an ion cannon for the Tie Interceptor! It has a wabbery blue bolt that travels fairly slow and looks pretty cool.
The really sweet part, though, is: It can actually disrupt other ships!

Edit: theres more about how the disruptor gun works over in the "Mods and Scripting" section.

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