Tie Interceptor finished and textured :)

20 years 6 months ago #9319 by MajorTom
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
The disruptor cannon is working great! Better than I had even hoped
A keybind isn't necessary at all and its fun!

It's really cool to disrupt an attacking Tie and then go in for the kill! The bolt is intentionally somewhat slower than a standard PBC blot and that makes it a bit harder to hit smaller targets. Also a bit risky 'cause you either have to get in a fairly straight line with your target or really get up close.
The reward is lots of fun though. More fun than a barrel full of monkeys :D:D[^]:D:D

You can also fly around and disrupt stations and gunstars with it.
Larger ships, gunstars and stations require more hits to disrupt them. Each intermiediate hit disrupts the shields for a few seconds though.
A smaller ship like a Tie fighter or a X-Wing only takes 1 hit, then it just hangs there for 10 secs.

The bolt looks like this from a close up shot:

The second bright blue flare is part of the graphics effects and not a light in the background.

Don't worry about the green coloring on the bolt, thats intentional too.

Seen from inside of your ship it looks like this:

Or like this when the bolt is further away:

The sound effects are cool too:
a) when you fire the cannon, the original SW Ion Cannon sound and - b) a cool sound when the Ion is recharging.

This thing is really fun! :D

Only Problem is, everyone will prolly want to fly the TIE Interceptor all the time.

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20 years 6 months ago #9322 by Second Chance
Awsome work, man! Any chance of a cool disruption effect on the target ship? Like cool electrical effects or something. And how about a cool disruption sound and effects for the guy who gets hit. After a while he might stop saying "Man, it's so cool getting hit with a disruptor!", but at least he'll always know what hit him, lol. :D

Did I say "cool" enough times?

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 6 months ago #9325 by MajorTom

Originally posted by Second Chance

Any chance of a cool disruption effect on the target ship? Like cool electrical effects or something. And how about a cool disruption sound and effects for the guy who gets hit. :D

When you get hit your systems whine down, your Hud goes green and you hear the crackling static noise. After the disruption time is over your systems ramp up again.

Seen from the outside, a disrupted target flashes brightly and you see effects like electrical discharges. If you are near enough you also hear the sound effects as above.

Here a few screen shots:

An un-disrupted station:

Disrupted, it flashes brightly:

As disruption phases out you get discharges:

The discharge arc wanders around:

and the discharge arcs get smaller:

Disrupt seen from a Hud view, note the display bottom left:
Discharge arcing seen from a Hud view:

[:I] don't give me any credit for that it's part of the standard IShip.Disrupt(...); command. Just like when you hit a target with a disruptor missile in the SP game.[^]

Since the Disruptor PBC is controlled by pog though, you can set up rules like for the number of hits required to disrupt larger objects (capital ships, stations and gunstars ect.).
(where in the standard SP game one missile will disrupt a cruiser just as easily as it does a Tug)

After the first time (where you experience the effects) it's not really lots of fun to get hit by the disruptor: you're completly helpless, can't evade or shoot back for the duration of the disruption. A good name for the Ion Disruptor Cannon will probably be:
"I-dic" [?]

I think we need an engineer class ship that can "Undisrupt" other ships. [8D][8D] The function is easy to make in pog: instead of disrupting, that ships cannon will go around shooting bolts that
iShip.CancelDisrupt( hship ship );
We just need a ship for it?? Did Star Wars have anything comparable in the line of a engineer ship for resupply or repairs [?][?]

Then we could make the disruption phase longer (currently only 10 secs.) because you can still call for help with the ingame chat function while you're disrupted.

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20 years 6 months ago #9327 by Shane
Amazing work MajorTom. [8D]

For those new to the forum, this disruptor cannon has been discussed many times over the last three years. No one ever figured out how to make one... till now.

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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20 years 6 months ago #9330 by Hot4Darmat
I don't think it's been said enough times, so I'll say it again: That is really COOL!

Nice work Major Tom! Kudos to both you and Second Chance for making this happen.


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20 years 6 months ago #9358 by MajorTom
Thanks for the kudos, Shane, Hot4.

The disruptor cannon works great on the Tie-int and was fairly easy to impliment because the Ion Cannon is the only ammo based weapon on board.

A solution for the B-Wing, since it has bombs and other reloadable weapons weapons on board, is not so easy but, we desperatly need it!

I've figured out a way to make a "Disruptor Gun Turret" that can be mounted on the B-Wing and the pilot can switch back and forth between his Turret 'station' and the cockpit.

(we can use the same method on the Falcon too but with simple "Laser" PBCs instead of ion cannons)

To demonstrate it, I whipped up a SP game mod with the new Disruptor Gun turret. You can read up on it and DL it over in the "Mods and Scripting" section. Let me know if you see any problems with it.

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