Tie Interceptor finished and textured :)

20 years 6 months ago #9420 by Tempest
LOL, that pic is sweet. :p
I actually like parts of the technical commentaries, for example the part with the rebellion being evil because they made the second deathstar blow up over endor, causing a kind of nuclear winter on that planet. :p

But face it, you can't scientificly explain the SW universe. It begins with fighters moving like airplanes, lightsabers, the force... SW is more a fairy tale than actual science fiction.

So if the Technical Commentaries want to see 10 cannons on that fighter, they also owe me an explanation of how the T/I can have five times as many guns as the T/F with smaller solar panels and still be faster. :p

Not every pipe sticking out to the front side of a fighter needs to be a cannon nozzle. The two below the cockpit are obviously there only because Lucasfilm did the same thing as you did when creating your model: They took the TF hull and attached new wings.
Those close to the center of the wings are interpreted as rangefinders by the guide to vehicles and vessels, if memory serves.

Of course you can interpret these all as cannons... and as they are in that pic and it's your mod, that wouldn't be exactly wrong... just, if you want any SW fan to play that mod, you should follow the canon. :)

Problem is, of course, that there is no real canon for most of the fighter data... so look it up at 10 sources and get at least 5 different answers. But as the people playing that mod are likely to have played X-Wing and TIE Fighter before, I guess it would be a good idea to follow those games... just my thougts. :)

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20 years 6 months ago #9421 by MajorTom
At this stage I don't feel we'll get anywheres or progress constructivly by discussing Star Wars canon.

We aren't making a new Star Wars game, or a sequel for any existing Tie fighter, X-Wing game or XWA . This is simply a Star Wars Mod for EOC. We'll make it the best we can and try to address a large player community.

There are many things still open, like ship and weapons balancing. Also, some engine limitations will/may also dictate what we can and can't do.

I suggest we address those issues first, and worry about the canon stuff later.

Iwar2 Multiplayer Fan Site

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20 years 6 months ago #9422 by Second Chance
Yes MajorTom I think you're probably right, so I'll try to keep this brief.

Tempest, in your way you're right too. Everything is always open to interpretation when dealing with fiction. But you can scientifically analyze any universe. That's what the scientific method is for, giving us a way to evaluate unknown phenomena by applying standard practices to it. We may not arrive at a single perfect explanation, but we can deduce the most likely explanations through examination of the facts. That's why I consider SWTC to be the most canon, since their criteria begins with a direct examination of the films, and only includes other material when the films fail to provide evidence.

Introduction to the Scientific Method

You want an explanation of how space fighters can move like airplanes. By what standards are you saying that's not possible? Earth technology? If UFO's were real (which I don't say they are) they seem to zip rediculously large masses around like insects. Impossible by our standards, yet, there they go. Even if the technology is beyond our understanding we can still try to understand what it does, if not exactly how it does it. The visual evidence clearly shows spacecraft moving around like airplanes, so, this universe is apparently in possesion of a level of technology that allows that to be possible.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

Or the force? Psychic phenomena today seem to defy every attempt to explain it, yet it seems to exist. Again, modern earth standards are being applied to literally alien phenomena. We don't have any idea what this so called "force" actually is, but we can examine the evidence and conclude the most likely answers. The same applies for the lightsabers.

So you're right, not every pipe sticking out of a ship has to be a gun. But if the established visual evidence shows that 95% of the pipes sticking out of ships are guns, then it's not unreasonable to assume that a pipe sticking out of a ship is a gun until proven otherwise. Especially if weapons fire is seen to be coming from the area near the pipe. But it is an assumption, and since even special effects departments make mistakes, no answer can ever be guaranteed to be right. So I'll always go with the most likely explanation.

Just because something isn't real doesn't mean it can't be examined. As long as the information can be measured and remains consistent, anything can be analyzed with the scientific method.

So for me, canon is what can actually be deduced from the films and nothing else. No books, no comics, no toys, no games.

Sorry MT, I tried. [xx(]

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 6 months ago #9424 by MajorTom

Sorry MT, I tried.

LOL, You have to do what you have to do :D

Anyhow, Here are the pics I promised:

Note that the bolts in these shots are distorted because they are caught as a snapshot. They will never really look like this in the game, it's just to give you an idea. You can see that the gun positions (nulls) are right on the money. Good Work Second Chance!

the 4 main gun lasers on the TieInt

the Ion bolts are too fast to catch but here's the glow

the Tie Fighter next to the EOC version of a CUV

an Imp redneck in a Tie Fighter after a few drinks at the casino

Unfortunatly I had to disrupt him

Iwar2 Multiplayer Fan Site

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20 years 6 months ago #9425 by Second Chance
Wow! That last pic is outstanding! Good for you, not letting those Imp rednecks get away with that. :D

BTW - Thanks for the compliment MT, I'm really trying hard to give you the best models I can. I've started work on the B-Wing while I search for an A-Wing profile pic. Hopefully I'll have something to post soon.

Hey Tempest, are you going to help test out the scripts?

The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 6 months ago #9427 by Tempest
Yah, those pics really look sharp! :)

@Second Chance: I appreciate that you take only the movies as canon (boy, there's really much crap being told in the books, not even to mention the comics), but games follow other rules than films, they need other balancing. If you want to stick 100% to the movies, throw that cool ion cannon right in the trash - there are no fighter-mounted ion cannons in the SW movies. Also, live with bad game-balancing: only two imperial fighter models against four on the rebel side.
It's true that LA invented some new rules for their games, but they did it to increase the fun. :)

I'd also like to continue the discussion about those scientific explanations - off topic, though, to not anny MajorTom. :)
I think with the right technology, spaceships could be forced to behave like fighters in an atmosphere, that's prolly right... but, why? Isn't that more a restriction than an advantage? And why can we hear sound in SW space? Is it a different kind of vacuum than in our galaxy? :p

Back to topic...
I'm willing to help on the project as much as I can, both with comments (so please let me know when they start to become more annoying than helpful :P) as well as testing, if you want me to... just tell me what to do. :P

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